Perky Spotter – All Purpose Spot and Stain Remover
Environment Friendly Carpet Spotter
Perky Spotter has long been the standard for professional to safely and effectively removal all types of spots, spills and stains. Perky lifts spots and stains from carpet and upholstery with little effort. With it’s unique synergistic action, Perky Spotter will effectively treat and remove almost all common household spills and stains. Perky Spotter is non-toxic, non-flammable and uses environmentally green ingredients. It will provide professional results against most foods, hot and cold drinks, tar, animal accidents, blood, grease, cosmetics and more.
- Tough on Water and Oil based stains
- Works on Carpet and Clothing
- Stronger than Grocery Brands
Unlike other spot removers Perky Spotter is not a solvent. It has an emulsifying action which is effective on oil as well as water based spots. It is gentle and safe and used properly, will not damage fabrics or leave ring marks. Perky Spotter can effectively remove many stubborn stains that other chemicals cannot remove.
Works Great On:
- Hot and cold drinks, pet stains, lipstick, cosmetics, blood, mud, milk, oil, tar, beer, grease, fruit juice, graphite, tea, wine, shoe polish, copy toner, ball point pen and ink plus many more!
Rugs and Carpeting
Vacuum carpeting. Apply Perky Spotter amply to saturate spot. Allow a couple of minutes
for digestion action. Agitate with a HandiGroom, brush or cloth. A HandiGroom is
most effective. Extract by blotting or squeege with the HandiGroom.
Moisten clean, soft cloth with Perky Spotter to saturate spot. Allow a short time period
for digesting action. Reapply Perky Spotter to the cloth and work the spotted area with a
gentle circular motion concentrating the operation to the soil spot in particular. Repeat
as required. Blot with a clean, dry cloth. To avoid unsightly ring mark use feather or
overlapping action when blotting.
Apply Perky Spotter directly onto the soil area or saturate a clean cloth and apply to the
spot. Rub gently. Wipe off with a clean dry cloth.
Apply Perky Spotter directly to the soiled area by spraying. Allow 5 minutes before laundering.
Launder as normal.
Clothing and garment fabrics
Place a clean soft absorbent material under the stain or soiled area. Apply Perky Spotter
directly by spraying onto the spot. Application may also be done by transferring the
Perky Spotter from an applicator cloth to the soiled area. Allow a short time period for
digesting action. Repeat application process. Press hard to transfer the soil residue to
the absorbent material underneath. Stubborn residue may require a brushing action
with a Whizgroom or a discarded tooth brush. When maximum results are reached use
clean, dry cloth to blot excessive moisture. Use feathering motion to avoid ring mark.