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Thermax rental packages...

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Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
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Topic: Thermax rental packages...
Posted By: Dixiedrifter
Subject: Thermax rental packages...
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 6:37am

Ok I'm probably going to get flamed off the board for this.

Anyhoos, Thermax has a rental package program. Basically it works like this:

You select a location to place a rental rack inside a store. The racks contain 1-2 extraction machines, and a full assortment of chemicals. You offer the store between $8-10 per rental as an incentive to place your rack inside their location.

The store is responsible for selling the product and keeping track of the machines and chemicals. The store is issued a book where all rentees are required to furnish their drivers license number and deposit and to sign a contact stating that they will only use the chemicals that are sold in the store in their machine. If they break it, or return the machine uncleaned they will lose part or all of their deposit.

Now the idea is to make at least $20-25 every time the machine goes out the door and to have it go out the door as many times per week as possible.

If you have 10 locations, and average 1 rental per week per machine, you will make $250 for your efforts and all that is required is just one day of driving around and pick up your checks and do maintenance on the machines. Average 2 rentals per machine per week and that goes up to $500 and still one day of "work".

I know that pads and TM machines would blow these small rigs out of the water so to speak, but, the idea with this is to create a residual income where you basically don't have to put much effort into collecting a paycheck each week.

I don't think it would be totally bad for the professional either if they were to offer it, since they could offer the machine rentals themselves to price concious customers who posess a want for DIY projects.




Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 12:07pm

sounds like a great way to decrease your customer base.


rentals,bissels,and DIY's are a CC's largest competition IMO


so do us a favor and buy some real crappy machines and sell some real lousy chems

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 6:40pm
You should rent out the pad machines instead. A much shorter learning curve involved and much more durable equipment mean more profit for you.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 8:15pm


Do-it-yourself carpet cleaning rental units is how I first entered this business. I owned Steamex of Canada. When I first entered what I though was a lucrative business it looked like I would become a millionaire almost overnight. That of course was only on paper.

In actual fact I had so many consignees stiff me over & over it became a nightmare. They spent your money and never have it on your arrival. They never keep the units clean and free of odor causing complaints. They take such poor identification the renters simply keeps the unit at home until someone calls.

No one ever calls as the clerk gave the machine to him not asking for the proper identification. Freezing and leaking water over other customers furnishings in the winter caused threats and law suits. You don’t want to hear the rest.

Some years later my company took on the task of servicing and picking up invoices for a large U.S. company who owned all the Home Depot rentals. The number of units that were stolen was totally unbelievable. You would need a police force to keep track of it.

NOT A GOOD MOVE…my opinion only.

Now if you choose to advertise both do it yourself and save or have us do it professionally that works. Why? Because the DIY market is twice as large as the professional market and will attract three times as many inquiries.

You can switch your potential customer back and forth. I actually did this and you would be amazed how many will rent from you then say next time we will have you do it. Then you have the people who totally refuse to pay professional price and will rent instead. Now the bigger profit is in the chemicals as they are packaged small and sold with attractive margins. The secret is for you a professional to actually deliver the unit, set it up and show them before you leave and suggest the proper product for them to use.

Have a delivered flat fee + product used. With this service why would they go elsewhere.

I have often wondered why some one has not started a franchise to offer this service. Now if you are still interested in placement in stores I would personally look at the - Rental Package from EDIC .

Good Luck

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 8:50pm
The rental HWE market is a P.I.T.A.  Ted. Hopefully, the rental of the Pad Machines in the larger markets will prove more profitable. Theft seems to be the biggest drawback from what I know of your experience. At least freeze-ups and dripping water from the pumps would not be a concern.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 9:27pm

Ken and whoever else is listening.

The rental of an OP Machine is a fantastic idea. Less investment and much easier for the customer to comprehend. Forget how good your professional cleaning system is for the moment. And think about how many do-it-yourselfers there are wanting to rent a carpet cleaning machine.

Tap into this market. It sounds very profitable.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 9:45pm
We will be doing just that with machines that will have a selling price under $1000. The pads and chemicals that go with them is where the real money is at.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 9:56pm

Originally posted by Superglide Ken Superglide Ken wrote:

We will be doing just that with machines that will have a selling price under $1000. The pads and chemicals that go with them is where the real money is at.

Ken that last statement will probably piss off a lot of professional carpet cleaners and crank the board up again. But what they should understand is that the do-it-yourself carpet cleaning rental business is huge. And can be profitable.

This is a market that the professional carpet cleaner should own and not the grocery chain.

Food for thought.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:07pm

WE have guys doing just that, most use the CCS Oscillator as it is so user freindly. This is nothing NEW.

Our CCS Oscillators are a 15" 1/2 hp machine that is on special for January... just click the link. - _channel_id=170&well_id=2

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:12pm

Good Deal, John.


IF you like underpowered equipment! Give them that price on a 3/4 hp machine and you might have something .Turboteck will be offering a 3/4 hp machine this Spring for only $999.00 that comes with the superior Sahara Super PadsWink

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:21pm

How's this scenario sound?

Deliver five OP Machines for 50 dollars each + chemicals before 11am in the morning. Go golfing or go clean carpet professionally till 3pm. Then pick up your five machines and your home by 5:30pm.

Not a bad day.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:31pm
Sounds good to me Ted. Not much chance of theft with that plan either.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:45pm
TOOO GOOOOD to be true. What about the pads? What about instructions? Who is responsible?  I think everybody has seen the movie where Ernest (Jim Varney) tried to run a polsiher?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 29/December/2004 at 10:48pm
OP's don't have the kick of the polishers or the RX so I don't see a problem there Doug; but I think you will report back tomorrow?

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Harry
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 12:39am

Ahhhhh, Pakistani Pads............poor kenny missed the boat again but wait

next month Kenny will have "discovered" Tsunami Pads from Sumatra, tried and tested as usual in his world headquarters in ...............ummmm where was it again ?   tampa, yemen, vegas ?? 



Be Juan in a Million - be a Leatherwright.

Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 12:50am
yes ken will bring these machines on online and on time.


and what a add on in Calgary since he already dominates
with the highest prices in canadian cleaning history.

(Errrrrr Kens history as he sees it.)
of course no one knows of this company

sorry one of his many numbered businesses.

Now he goes back to his roots of being the lowest price cleaner in the land

Rent kennys pad and clean your whole house for 49.99 CDN


Posted By: Harry
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 12:57am

 Medical Post

CALGARY--Health leaders are grappling with Calgary's acute shortage of psychiatrists, coupled with a 30% jump in emergency mental health cases at Foothills, the region's main teaching hospital.

A Calgary Regional Health Authority (CRHA) committee met recently to consider restricting access to psychiatric emergency services at the Foothills Hospital.

"There has been an increasing volume at the Foothills site. That's part of why this is becoming a problem now," said Arlene Weidner, CRHA senior operating officer of acute care. Moreover, the number of psychiatrists working in Calgary hospitals overall has shrunk from 70 to 50 as a certain very rich, outpatient have driven most of these psychiatrists bonkers by continually trying to flog Turkish cotton Pads & OP machines to them, thereby increasing the workload and reducing professional ranks at the same time.


Be Juan in a Million - be a Leatherwright.

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 7:16am
Isn't it scary when sarcasm sounds SO CLOSE to the truth?

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: Dixiedrifter
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 1:51pm

I like the sound of an OP machine, BUT, it sounds like it would be a logistical nightmare to pull off.

5 machines could be deliverable in one day for one person, after that many though it would get to where you would be running out of time if your drop offs were spread out. Not to mention the fact that you would be wearing your vehicle out along your washing machine.

Coupla questions...

Q: How many square feet of carpet can a pad clean before needing to be changed?

Q: How many pads can you put in a 3.8 sqft. washer?


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 4:02pm

After you do the first 5 rentals , you hire people to do every 5 more after that.You wear out other peoples vehicles if you rent more than 5.


Washing machines are cheap. Buy a used one for $100 and use it till it breaks if you are doing less than 20 pads per day.

If doing 20 at a time, go to the commercial washers and do 20 at a time in the double washers. Costs only $3.00 here and does a better job than the home washers do. Cost works out to only .15 per pad for a better job.If you are getting .30 or more per sq ft, you have made $600 with those pads, so this is only about $1/house for the 3 houses you cleaned with them. Or 1/2 of 1% of the money you made. You can afford it.

You should have no problem getting 100 sq ft per pad on most carpet, or needing more than 6 pads per 600 sq ft.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 4:56pm
SGK:  I certainly never got 100 sq. ft. per pad today.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 5:01pm

You need Sahara Super Pads to get that Doug. I just happen to sell them. You didn't think I was going to answer for what Padmans pads would give you did you? lol


Perhaps John sold you his Pakistani Pads instead of the Turkey Pads?????

Definatly not the same quality. Lee says anything else other than Turkey pads are a" rip off." His words, not mine. Who am I to argue?

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 5:23pm
Hell Chicken fingers turkey pads, buffalo wings paki pads.  Maybe HWE is not that bad after all? Cold water in Hot water out, simple isn't it?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Harry
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 8:28pm

Ken, naturally has thoroughly researched this whole subject with his years of experience in the rental biz, along with padding and washing Pads.................Yup, the above is typical of the fastidious attention to detail we are used to from the Fantasy Dreams Research Institute located right next door to the Foothills Medical Institute. 



Be Juan in a Million - be a Leatherwright.

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 8:42pm

No Harry; I am just a real fast learner.

Correction on my post above this one:

Lee Sentor did not say that anything other than"turkey pads" were a rip off as I stated above, he said" the rest are a scam". He said that back on September 29th on this BB. Of course, I am sure he did not know that John was going to start selling "Pakistani Pads" here 3 months after he said it?

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Harry
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 9:31pm

Kenny's Cotton team at the Fantasy Dreams Research Institute, brought in from Yemen, Sumatra, Turkey or was it India.............



Be Juan in a Million - be a Leatherwright.

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 30/December/2004 at 9:54pm
Harry; what happened to the pictures? I love those pictures you come up with.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 31/December/2004 at 11:59am

I dont know much about the rental biz but what I do know is that your average joe do it yourselfer,,when it comes to  CC seems to think more is better.


ever sucked all the soap out of a DIY carpet???


anyways,I can see a whole lotta tip blooming going on with OP rentals,heck I've seen alot of it with Electrolux scrubbers.

more like crop circles actually.


besides Ken,I thought you were out to make CC's lives easier?

not try and put us out of biz

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 31/December/2004 at 12:27pm
Andy: I am. After the renters mess up the carpet by using too much chemical on it, they will need to call in a professional to extract all that excess chemical out! I make the money on the rental, pads, and chemical, and you make it on the extraction they need afterward. Sounds like we all win.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Harry
Date Posted: 31/December/2004 at 1:38pm

Yup, Ken has a proven track record of how to make big bucks with no effort................

For a guy who can't afford a potato or airfare to speak with such authority on this subject can only be explained by one thing.............


"Delusions of grandeur" psychosis

Trust Kenny he's done.......................

exhausting tests.

Be Juan in a Million - be a Leatherwright.

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 31/December/2004 at 3:50pm
Spoken by another guy who suffers delusions of Grandeur, and thinks he is really"One in a Million!" lol

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

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