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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
Printed Date: 23/February/2025 at 11:27pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.06 -

Topic: Mold
Posted By: Dakota
Subject: Mold
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 6:54pm

I recently finished cleaning a restraunt that just went through a remodel, and they want me to come in every month and clean for them.

I thought getting another account would be great, then i found out from a competitor that the restraunt has been fooded a couple of times, and was not taken care of properly. The base boards showed some signs of water damage, but I didn't see any signs of a problem with the carpet, and I couldn't smell anything either.. So my question is should i continue to clean it and run with the money, or can i be held liable if someone got sick?


Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 7:04pm

I would stay away, but that's just me.



Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 7:48pm
 I am confused  you say this resturant has just been remodeled. Then you say a competitor says it had previous water damage.  Which is it?  If it had mold it should have been remediated during the remodel. I would think it would be the contractor not you would be at fault if he left the mold there.  You are simply cleaning the carpets.  What method are you using.  If you are concerned keep a log stop the  very next with a hydro sensor and make sure the carpet is dry.  Document it.  Money in pocket.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:11pm

Doug, it was not a 100% remodel, if it was i prabably wouldn't have been cleaning the carpet. Sorry if I made it hard to understand..

I am cleaning it with a Rotary, and I put fans on right away, it was dry in about 4-5 hrs.


Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:17pm
Dakota:  I still don't think you have anthing to worry about.  Just keep a little more documentation for this job than others.  Records are a good thing.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:20pm
Dakota:  One more thing document all the pre existing damage and if this is going to be sort of a contract cleaning have them sign the contract with the pre existing damage listed.  I can't see them having a problem with that.  If they do.  Happy trails to you until we meet again. Walk.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:28pm
even if they sign something saying i wont be held liable. and i admit there is a problem, and someone gets sick, cant they say that it was still my fault beacuse with the actions of cleaning, and air movers, I spread the mold particles around, and made it worse?

Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:37pm
Have you seen visible mold.  Maybe you should reccommend a industrial hygenist.  Just the air movement from the hvac system and people comimng and going wil spread mold.  They must get inspected monthly.  All you are doing is geting a contract signed to complete the work as agreed.  To notify them that they have evidence of pre existing water damage or any other damage for that reason.  Someone had to have done the previous water claims. Ask them who and was it covered by insurance or if they just left it and cleaned it up themselves.  All I can say is if you are not comfortable with asking these questions for your own protection. WALK.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:44pm

I have a feeling it was a do it yourself job,

the old restraunt shut down and sold the building to a new person. It was probably never mention that it was flooded. So the new owner doesn't even know about it.

Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 8:54pm
Dakota:  I would think if they have a mortgage that the building would of had an inspection before the money left the bank.  If there was no motgage then no inspection.  Show them how much you know.  Take them threw the troubled areas. Get then to remove a section of baseboard have them check it.  But this can all play on deaf ears.  You will have to ask some questions that they amy not like.  It is your business. I cannot tell how to run your business. Hell I can't even run my own and I live in a one horse town. This has to be your call.  How bad do you want or need this job?  Good luck with your decision.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 9:03pm

I dont want it bad enough to get myself into any trouble

Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:16pm

Why don't you just go to the owners... don't take this on your head it's not your problem it's his.... He needs for someone to come in and check it out right away....

I won't even clean if I see mold...... you need to tell him... the only thing that you could do wrong is not tell him 


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:30pm
Dakota:  If it is a chinese resturant don't worry be happy?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:40pm
well then..

Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:44pm
Well then Mold is a part of their diet. Just ask For Mr. Steamer's favourite.  Soup of some young guy.  Mold or no mold it's a side dish.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:45pm
Well doug I had to switch..... Douggie Delight was all sold out


Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:46pm
the mold will probably kill off all of the other viruses

Life is Tuff, It is even Tougher if you're Stupid "John Wayne"

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:46pm
No sweet and sour Kitten Balls?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:48pm
or some nice Kitty fried rice...I want a side order of Midnite Lassie Chow


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/December/2004 at 10:49pm
We better quit or Dakota will be cleaning the joint for food.Guitar

Just My opinion

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