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PADMAN and his friends are so easy.......

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Topic: PADMAN and his friends are so easy.......
Posted By: Superglide Ken
Subject: PADMAN and his friends are so easy.......
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:09pm fool, that there should be a game made about it! LOL


Yes, it was a HOAX, played out on them for your weekend entertainment! There never was a chance that Steve was not going to get his Titanium wand. People like Padman and quite a few of his friends were so convinced it was true however that they fell for it hook, line  and sinker. The same ones that say they don't believe what I say, were certainly ready to believe what I said yesterday. IF the news is positive, they don't believe. If NEGATIVE however, no proof needed!


LOL   You Fools


Merry Christmas

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:24pm

  Ken , thats utterly brainless! Thats like you taking one up the @ss to trick folks into thinking your a h*m*sexual! 

  Once again , Ken you never cease to amaze. I for one STILL think the chances of steve ever getting a wand of ANY kind is NIL !!!!!!


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:34pm
Guess you will be the first that gets amazed again, James.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:38pm
post the tracking numbers

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:41pm

Delivery will be made as soon as driveway is cleared of junk cars.

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 8:50pm
Too tight a corner eh Ken?

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 9:00pm

Nope. I never said he was not getting a Titanium wand. Show me where I ever said otherwise.................

I will show you people that should read more closely.........

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 9:42pm

You said you were recinding your offer for 'THAT WAND'



Superglide Ken
Carpet Cleaning Specialist

Joined: 17 March 2004
Location: Canada
Online Status: Offline
Posts: 959 Posted: 18 December 2004 at 8:55pm | IP Logged

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------

I do not pay less than $900 to buy a Prochem Ti Wand and glide.Titanium wands do not discount like regular steel wands do. But that is not what was offered. When I covered the wand that Aqua-Max first offered,I never promised a set delivery date as Turboteck. It was a KH3 because that is the wand we want promoted. It is the only Titanium one that I will ever give away. You made a mistake posting this Scott. I was going to quietly just send you one in March when I get them made. I will not do that now.

Edited by Superglide Ken on 18 December 2004 at 8:58pm

Inventor of the Superglide for wands,the Apex OP Machine, the Power-Dri system ,and the new Sahara Teflon Super Pads for OP, which sell for only $6 US each.($8 Cdn in Canada)Prices good till Dec23/04
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there you state that the KH3 is the only one you will ever give away.


The winner believed you were not going to send it!


IMO, it should have been sent PROMPTLY after the winner was anounced.


One serious question for you ken...What good can you get from this BS?




Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 9:58pm

Chuck: You would be surprised if I told you...............


Yes, I admitted it was a hoax. It was necessary to post that to string all my detractors along and buy into it. It does not matter when you think I should deliver the prize. That is up to me and the recipiant. I will say this though, he will receive the wand from me before the TM gets delivered to the winner of that.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:06pm

I don't think the winner is very happy with you.



Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:17pm

The winner is very happy that he will not have to wait until Spring to get his prize.

As for looking like an Ass Chuck, that is nothing new, so I don't care about that. But this time I showed alot of people to be in the same catagory.

Besides, I had a very entertaining weekend, and to me, that is what it is all about. lol

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:30pm

Kenny will not deliver the wand.  Its no Hoax.  Kenny is flat broke.  Most Thieves in the long run go broke. 

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:37pm
Waldo:  I am at a loss here. I guess I must have missed the thread.  Just exactly what did SGK steal to make him a thief.  An answer would surely put my mind to rest.  Maybe if you can enlighten me on this issue I may have a different outlook.  Thank you in advance for your assistance regarding this very important  matter.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:42pm


   How bout this  Doug - Kens a liar and a cheat - any problem with that description?

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:44pm
Waldo:  Do I need to repeat the question?  Are you waiting for someone else to answer it.  I believe a well used phrase on your board is?  " You never answered the question?"Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:53pm
Originally posted by james cooper james cooper wrote:


   How bout this  Doug - Kens a liar and a cheat - any problem with that description?

James:  You must have miss read my post I didn't ask for a description.  You see that is where the problems lies.  You donGuitar't read the question, so how can you be expected answer the question.

Just My opinion

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:55pm

Ken takes money for glides, THEN MONTHS later AFTER their cards have been run he DOESN"T deliver them.

Define theft for me!

And I am not the fool Ken would like to think me and others are, he MAY be changing his mind, but only because many of us will bring our influence to bear to put an end to his LONG list of THEFTS and FRAUD.

he gets no kudos from me, just look at the idiot, he claims he is making 2000 a month off the ccc bbs, now he says EVERYONE can kiss his ass, fact is the cheating swindler got caught and no one was willing to let ANOTHER one go.

He is the author of his own demise, no one else, I just hope people are SMART enough to see this for WHAT IT IS, and not the stupid falasy Ken is trying to make it look llike.


Like I told you Ken, I hate liars and theives...


I do find it interesting though you posted some of the things about me, I do not conduct business like you and can PROVE your comments slander, unlike you who simply can NOT defend against being called a liar, swindler, thief, fraud etc.

You leave yourself wide open, and I look FORWARD to seeing you face to face in THIS country.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:58pm
Waldo:  I see you used a life line.You called a friend. I personally would have polled the audience(CCS Board) for the answer.  You still have a life line left. Or is that your finial answer?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 10:59pm
Sorry, Padman. Denny went home now. What were you saying again?

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:01pm

If Kenny was hiding... he wouldn't be here......

He's not running or Hiding... you guys kicked him off your forum, wouldn't it be smarter to keep the guy he does owe y'all a wand.....

But you dumb stupid country bumpkins all vote beg and plead to have him banned.....

then comes the after thought... how will we contact him now that we have banned will we plead our will we get our wand......bahahahahahahahaha are you guys for real...lolololol

you come here to this quiet forum with your bull c rap

Stupid is What Stupid does... and you guys take the cake


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:05pm

Thinking things out to a conclusion was never their forte, Mr. Steamer...




Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:07pm
Waldo: You came here threatened shot off your mouth then what?  I ask you a simple question you stay logged on and have someone else answer it for you. You still don't answer the question half hour later you log off.  What's with that?  Gone back to the other board to get the answer?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:07pm
I can say this Kenny your not hiding.... they kicked you off their forum...lololol brain fart or what????


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:10pm
Some of these guys need an oficial spokesman. They showup make accusations. The only thing you have to do to get rid of them is ask them a question.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:37pm
Exactly. An when they do find something, it turns out to be a slow delivery of product caused by the actions of 2 big corporations that caused the problems when they forced Aqua-Max out of business earlier this year. I lost my minority shares in that companyween it closed down. I am not responsible for that. All deliveries are current from my present company, so they can't fault that. Lifes a bitch sometimes.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:49pm

    Oh , Doug , sorry , I thought that was Waldos question - But you would say Liar and cheat is more synonamous with SGK than honest and straight shooting ?

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 19/December/2004 at 11:53pm
Honest and straight shooting sounds about right, James.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 12:07am
yep , and  distibutors have 100 Raptors  TM's in their showrooms , right besides that super portable the Beast.

Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 12:16am

Doug I came here for one reason. No offense but I did not come here to talk to you.  Sorry about being logged on and not replying I was taking care of my two year old son.  I came here on this board to let the people on this board that Ken is a Theif.  Ken has advertised the fact he was giving away a wand for the contest.  Ken renigged  and has proved to me that he is a Theif.  For two reasons.  The main reason is he owes Scott Rogers a Wand and he flat out said he was not going to give him the wand.  Maybe I should clarify him as a Indian Giver.  Second he stole a free years worth of advertising from the Pad Man.  For your info I like John but I do not consider him a friend.  I have probably bought less then 10 gallons of product from him.  John is a good business man and I enjoy going to his board.   On the other hand Ken harris is a Crook.  

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 7:48am
Waldo: Your son comes first.  Thank yu for you answer.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 10:01pm
Originally posted by james cooper james cooper wrote:

    Oh , Doug , sorry , I thought that was Waldos question - But you would say Liar and cheat is more synonamous with SGK than honest and straight shooting ?

James Cooper:  You thought?  Wow That must of hurt?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: james cooper
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 10:42pm
  Yep , you should try it sometimes Dougie.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/December/2004 at 11:08pm
James:  I will certainly keep your advise where I can reach it.Guitar

Just My opinion

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