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Integrity Means Everything Mr. Senter

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
Printed Date: 23/February/2025 at 6:29pm
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Topic: Integrity Means Everything Mr. Senter
Posted By: mr clean
Subject: Integrity Means Everything Mr. Senter
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 5:39pm

This was copy and pasted from your web site:


 We are so committed to offering you an environmentally friendly carpet cleaning option in the Toronto area that we've searched North America for an effective, natural-sourced cleaning agent specially for Dry Cleaning.  This is why we independently import Abstraction VLM into Toronto from Tennessee. 

Abstraction VLM is a 100% environmentally safe, non-toxic, non-flammable cleaner made from natural plant extracts.

When you choose the most environmentally friendly dry-cleaning option we spray either Ecogent or Abstraction VLM onto the carpet. This simply releases the dirt and grease from the carpets. We then go over the carpet with 100% cotton terry-cloth pads on our oscillating pad machine.

We also import BioKleen from Oregon, as another environmentally friendly alternative for carpet cleaning.

I remember hearing you say that you do not use Mr. Padman's products and were pontificating about using products that were approved for use in Canada.  You have already ostracised another board member for not following guidelines. Have you?  Or is that just a typo on your site!  Just letting you know that your word and reputation does not mean much to some of us out here.


I'm here to clean up your mess

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 6:36pm
Mr. Clean: Does your imported cleaners have all the same seals that ECOgent has?  You should be commended for your efforts in offering an alternative.  Lets not get into a my cleaner is more safe than your cleaner.  If that don't work than character assination always works as a last resort??????????????????? It is always when someone crusades for change lets put him up against the wall and stone him.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: mr clean
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 7:20pm
I posted this for a few reasons.  You Mr. Doug have proved one of my other reasons.  When people put down others they open themselves up for scrutiny.  Let's call a spade a spade and stop jumping to the defense of people that do not deserve it.  He lied plain and simple.  This post has nothing to do with the cleaners that I use. This man claims allegiance to certain chemical laws and thus forces himself to be judged by higher standards. It has to do with a know it all that can't walk the talk.  That's all.

I'm here to clean up your mess

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 7:37pm
Mrclean:  I always seem to be at a dissadvantage on this board.  I don't stand behind some handle so no one knows me because I really don't care if you agree with me or not.  Everyone also knows who Lee is.  If you call a spade a spade than what do we call you ?  You should  post your name so then you have the wright to judge anyone.  Maybe the cleaners in the GTA know who you are but I don't and neither does alot of other people.  I guess if you want to stand behind mrclean that is up to you.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: mr clean
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 8:16pm
This is quite comical.  It seems as if you will bear arm for your friend.  Who I am is also irrelevant.  Most of us on here are anonymous.  You seem to be good at changing the subject. 

Mr. Doug I asked Mr. Senter to come clean about statements that he made.  I have been reading the posts on here on the regular and get annoyed when nonsense prevails over common sense; which happens more often than not.

I'm here to clean up your mess

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 8:45pm
mrclean: The board is yours.  Your identity is safe with me.  Thank you.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 10:28pm

Website was designed by my son a few years ago.

We have no BOK or Abstarction on the premises nor do we use it.

We stick to Ecogent.

I am grateful you brought this up. I will disable the page tomorrow as soon as I get in.

John is vigorously attempting to get the MSDS and labelling required for Abstraction. I personally provided him with the contact to do so.

Biokleen has a WHMIS designation of D2B and can be labelled accordingly.

Posted By: mr clean
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 10:44pm
Thank you for the response and clarification Mr. Senter.  I guess it is safe to assume that your view on using government approved chemicals has changed over the past couple of years.

I'm here to clean up your mess

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 11:16pm

To clarify,

It has become a passion of mine.

Its not really anything to do with government approved anything, it has to do with the proper labelling, MSDS and disclosure of potential hazards.

The fact of the matter is that we still hope that Abstraction will prove to not be WHMIS regulated.

It has no known  hazardous ingredients except colloidial silver. This ingredient may not be WHMIS regulated either.  But it must be properly checked out. We are simply playing it safe.

I still like Abstraction and once its labelled will start to use it again.

I have actually attempted to get some of the "bigshots" to distribute here but to no avail.

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 30/November/2004 at 11:21pm

Try colloidal silver on a google search and see what some believe it to be.

I also tried to scorecard colloidal silver and got no results.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 01/December/2004 at 12:21am

really now...msds or not .... It's nice to think about doing the right thing...but being politically correct and actually following through on it is two different things....

no need for this holyer than thou attitude... if you still use it be a man about need to wait for MSDS if it works...

This is what I don't understand with these governing bodies....they never practice what they preach...


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