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advanced generation carpets

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
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Topic: advanced generation carpets
Posted By: fastone1979
Subject: advanced generation carpets
Date Posted: 24/November/2004 at 11:36pm
Hi everyone!   NEwbie here,   how do you identify 5th generation carpets?   are they the same as advanced generation carpets?  I sell carpet for a living and i dont know?   Please sombody fill me in.  I have been looking at hydramaster chemicals  any coments on them?   

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Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 25/November/2004 at 7:20pm

I don't see Hydramaster chemicals around here at all.

As for 5th generation carpet, there is no way to identify it positively by eye. However I would treat any newer cut pile nylon as a 5th generation carpet because it is very likely that it is.

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 25/November/2004 at 9:16pm

What is a 5th generation carpet?


Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 25/November/2004 at 10:10pm

Fastone welcome to the forum. Hope all your questions get answered.

Dakota good question. I wonder if it means it has been in the family a long time.  Probably not but I just had to say it.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 25/November/2004 at 10:30pm
Stainmaster or Acid dyes. Lee may have to take over from here.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 25/November/2004 at 11:37pm

5th generation carpet is post dyed nylon that has both a flurochemical treatment and an application of an acid dye resisitor treatment.

In simpler terms --- a product (that would similiar to an invisble dye) fills the dyesites that are still capable of receiving dyes. Therefore if you spill something like Kool Aid on the carpet, the place the stain would go is already filled by the acid dye resistor.

Make sense?

Posted By: danmarck
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 12:26am
Thanks for your clarification. But is there something I would need to
change in my cleaning process should I encounter a 5th generation
carpet?? What do we really need to know ? How do you identify it???

What special tretment is required if any.?

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Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 8:23am
To be safe a lower pH cleaning product  should be used and no cationic products (fabric softners, disinfectants). 

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 8:24am
5th Generation had been around I think since about 1986.  so Probably all the nylon you are clean ng is 5th generation.  Most all cleaners today arre for stain resist carpets unless you are usung olefin prespray or another commerical cleaner. Keep ph around 9.5 and you should be ok.  also don't usr ccatonic surfactants on the carpet they don't mix well.  Professor Lee can put it into better terms than me.  I probably should be leaving these questions fro him.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 8:38am

The pH should be less than 10 for sure. Some mills have different specs, Kraus for example is 9.5.

Doug should stop being so humble, you can answer all this stuff.

Posted By: danmarck
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 8:54am
Tha PH I was aware of, but the fabric softner part I hadn't heard of ,
What effect would that have????
Thanks for the info.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 10:58am
danmark: Why would want to use fabric softener on carpet??Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: danmarck
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 1:40pm
The manufacturer of the pre-spray I use says that it has Fabric Softners in
the chemical.

It is added for that specific purpose to give the fibers a "soft to the feet "
feel. And I will say it does work nicely.

That's why I was asking what the fabric softeners are supposedly going to
do negativly to the 5th Generation carpets???

Any idea? Just wondering ?

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 2:59pm
If the cleaner is cationic you can't use it on stain resist carpet.  Soft water and a fiber rinse will accomplish the samething.  I may be wrong.  If I am Lee will straiten me out.  But as I recall the rule of thumb if it has "cat" in it. You "can't" use it on it.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: danmarck
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 7:34pm
Because it will lose it's stain resistance?, or it will wick? or it will brown or
what ??????? What is it, that it is supposed to do. Don't mean to badger
you just wonder why a person isn't sopposed to use it. What will it do to
the carpet ? because I have used this prespray now for about 9 years and
don't see any negatives so far.

Just wondering

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Posted By: fastone1979
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 10:34pm

well  I can say I understand 5th generation carpets.    thanks fella's!      Now to add to the fire!    Is it ok to use presprays with a ph higher than 9.5 on these carpets if you use a fabric rinse to lower the ph back down?    b/c  alot of the presprays  out there  have a ph level well above 10.     thanks again ? 



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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 26/November/2004 at 10:36pm
No,NO,NO.  Above 10 is for commerical or olefin.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: fastone1979
Date Posted: 28/November/2004 at 8:06am

well ok!!!    thanks for setting me strait doug!   anything above a 10   will either,   change color,  texture,  and   I cant remember the last one?   What do you expect out of a newbie!        

every job is a self portrait of yourself! So autograph it with quality!

Posted By: Dakota
Date Posted: 28/November/2004 at 11:05am

danmarcks question was about his pre- spray he has used for 9 years has fabric sofner in it you didnt anwser his question about that i dont think?

what can that do to the 5th generation carpet

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