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IICRC what have they done for you??

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Topic: IICRC what have they done for you??
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Subject: IICRC what have they done for you??
Date Posted: 12/March/2004 at 11:35am

A very sore topic has been brought up....IICRC

I think its just a money scam....and they could do thing alot better and cheaper...once they do the course(which you pay for) and you do the test(which you pay for againg) why do you need to pay dues every year???

All you good carpet cleaners can't agree with this??I know that I don't...

someone said in another post ...that this has been around for 20 years....

20 years of just ripping people off with these damn dues...

Yes it teaches you the chemistry behind the scenes....but after you learn that and you pass the test...only other thing you'll get from them is a bill for your dues


Steamin Mr. Steamer Carpet Cleaner

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 12/March/2004 at 11:35pm

ooooooo no one will touch this topic.....might get your membership card pulled


Posted By: LeeS.
Date Posted: 12/March/2004 at 11:47pm

It has given me a place to work with others to work towards a common good.

I am on the IICRC HST subcommittee and am working on the creation of a Canadian equivalent. I love it.

I also have set up some IICRC classes and CEC classes and get to meet other instructors and a lot of other cleaners who are craving education.

It gives me a vehicule to explore new routes within the industry.

It has to pay the bills somehow, so I pay a minute fraction of the sales towards keeping it alive.

Posted By: Monsterclean
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 10:15am

I don't know why you would call the IICRC's serivce a scam.  If being IICRC certified adds a little credibility to your business, and you are willing to pay for that, then go for it.  During the past three years, no commercial or residential customer hase ever asked if I was IICRC certified, so I am not going to bother.  I do not feel that what the IICRC offers is a scam.  If the IICRC is a scam, then we had better address the AICPA (accountants), and whatever state bar organization certifies lawyers.  These are private organizations.  I paid $265 just to take the GMAT.  It is a computer based exam.  Why does it cost $265?  Because the organization that administers the exam has a monopoly.  That is why.  Who competes with the IICRC?  Why do you want certification?








Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 4:57pm

Wake up people...what have you all been brain washed...being certified or not doesn't make you a good can take the classses and not take the test....The classes are good, but the only really give you the theory, not enough hands on ....

I'll pay for a class if I want to learn more....but I feel the dues are bogus

Does it make me any less a cleaner if I don't have the certification card??


But in the eyes of some it does...My helper turned cleaner been working with me for 3 years...he knows everything I know....he asked me if he should go get certified...I said no waste of money....

I really don't know what kind of carpet and furniture you guys are cleaning, but the average carpet is nylon...I would say 9 out of 10.....

I do at least 6 houses a day 313 days a week....

Experience is the key...I think this year I wont renew with IICRC

BTW no customer had EVER asked me if I am a carrying IICRC member NEVER EVER!


Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 5:58pm
30 years, never been asked, BUT the education to a new carpet cleaner is VERY worthwhile, to an aging old fart like me, it is not.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 6:03pm

I sayin what are you getting for your dues????

what are you dues doing for you?????

Posted By: kanoboy
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 6:08pm need in being certified....and its not even necessary to take the courses as long as you have a knowledgeable teacher. The classes are a great thing for anyone who needs to learn the business....however I have mixed emotions about the need to be certified. Cleaners are never asked if they are IICRC certified, so it doesnt help them get any business, so basically its a waste of money for the cleaner. So go take the classes by all means.....and take the tests for yourself....not in the hopes that it makes you a better, more successful cleaner.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2004 at 6:12pm
I'm glad to see some poeple aren't on the IICRC payroll....I love to see the truth being spoken

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 2:51pm

Hold on there one dog darn minute, Mr. Steamer. I can't believe you are actually asking that question on this forum. How dare you. What has the IICRC done for me, you ask, well son, I'll tell you, Wait.......ya ya.....hold on there......o.k  o.k ........hold on I'm thinking.....ummmmmmm..........ummmmmmmm............I'll get back to you on that, I got it they helped me to.......nah that's not it......I got that info from Home Depot.........well I'll get back to you on this one.

      Jack      N-I-G-H-T-R-I-D-E-R

Posted By: LeeS.
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 5:01pm

You guys are full of it.

And by seeing your responses to some of the questions and posts here, some desperately need more education.

PadmanI know you, Nightrider is obviously in desperate need to make himself feel important and Mr Steamer, is stuck in the Toronto rut.

Mr. Steamer is right, for the marketplace he is in. Montreal isn't the same and neither is Kentucky.

I will forever defend the IICRC. However, all of us who do a ton of volunteer work still have a saying about the top decision makers, "just follow the money"

Its just like the government.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 5:07pm

LeeS is the IICRC the dues no one agrees with you...wake up your just carpet cleaner......thats all the customers see you as

JUST A CARPET one cares about IICRC...IICRC doesn't care about will die

and all those who are on the take will be no more.......I come from a family of carpet cleaners no one pay their dues anymore......

Listen it's just carpet and we are just carpet cleaners.....

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 6:58pm
I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT  just a carpet cleaner. I am an IICRC certified cleaning technician,and proud of it.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 7:40pm

Hey there, General Lee. What the heck does Montreal have to do with Kentucky. Another fact is that I'm in no desperate need to make myself feel important 'cause I am important so are you, we all are.It's our opinions, thoughts, and intellegence that become a threat to others. What are you afraid of General Lee, what dark secrets lurk in the shadows of your mind........are you afraid of me, you say you will always defend IICRC, Tell me are you prepared to give 50% of your annual salary to about 40%.....30%......20%.......10% would you be willing to give up 2 Saturdays a month to do volunteer work for them.......if you answered YES to any of the above........I have a bridge here in Montreal  that I would love to sell. I wouldn't even defend Canada if we ever had a war.......why.........'cause they take 52% of my freaking paycheck every week then force me to pay another 7% gst and another 8% provincial tax on all my purchases in order to live......what do I get for my hard labour and 18 hour days........... 33 cents on the dollar, and I don't want a Canadian Newsletter, neither do I want a IICRC Newsletter. If the IICRC need money let them ask the X-Finance minister and now Prime Minister Paul Martin.....he likes to give away a hundred million dollars of my money.

And to you Greg, you're a carpet cleaner, a carpet cleaner Greg, yes I know it's degrading, but carpet cleaner it is.......and to all the garbage men out are not a sanitary engineer.Sorry Guys Greg you can call yourself an indoor quality air consultant if you like, and run around with an aerosol can of air freshener. Who Cares......Go to the bank and ask for a loan, after you tell him that you are an IICRC certified cleaning technician.....and he says.......well, what exactly do you do....ha ha ha ha ha .........YOU HAVE TO SAY.....HA HA HA HA HA ............ I'M A CARPET CLEANER.....SIR (CAN I HAVE THE LOAN....PLEASE )

Posted By: LeeS.
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 7:56pm

I give a lot more than two Saturdays a month there sir.

I am in the middle of researching and writing the Canadian version of the IICRC HST course.

It is a prerequisite for Master Restorers status.

It is probably the most beneficial class of all of them and the least attended.

It is a good feeling.

I would also defend my country in a heartbeat.

You think you are so bright, if you are why do you pay so much tax?

I make enough money that I got a financial advisor to handle my money and learn the loopholes over paying 45%.

I'm not afraid of you at all. I come from Montreal, live with a Quebecoise woman, and find you embarrassing.

I am not a carpet cleaner, I am an IICRC Practicing Carpet Inspector and friggin proud of it.

All my techs must be IICRC certified in CCT  and if they do water damage a min. of WRT. If they don't have that basic education they don't work here.

You sound like the type of guy who cleans olefin the same way as nylon or a simple rug sucker. The know it all type of guy who I'd never hire.


Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 8:04pm

You tell em LeeS.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 8:06pm

Right on Lee. This forum is getting more interesting every day. Stay cool guys. I am still wondering were Doug is. If Doug went to Colorado Springs for the Acar convention hopefully he will be back and armed with more up to date information to share with those who care and even those who don't.

Thanks Lee

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 8:13pm

JACK..... I'm not just a carpet cleaner. Yes I clean carpet and upholstery and drapery, but I also do  carpet dying, air ducts, hardwood floors, if its on the floor we can clean it or restore it.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/March/2004 at 11:37pm

LEE & Greg I know your not just another carpet cleaner...but to the customer you are!

Being certified means Jack S h i t ....

Plus this isn't rocket science it's only are not a heart didn't do years and years at the best med school...

You spent a weekend or a few weekends getting some stupid IICRC training..

That little card you carry means CRAP....

I could train a guy in 1 hour to do what your so proud of....

I love what I do to...but listen it's nothing to talk about....

you touch piss, s h i t, pet hair, germs and all sorts of nastiness...

Afew simple rules...1) mild soap 2)prespray 3)never over wet 4)do behind all the doors 5) move as much a you can and pad 6)hit that free enterance mat on the way out

If you have never cleaned carpets before there you've just been certified by Mr.Steamer Certified Carpet Cleaner

Now grab your bissell and go clean carpets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mr. Steamer School for the Carpet Cleaner

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 15/March/2004 at 2:53am

wow, General Lee....relax, take a valium or librium or just go lie down for a minute or so, take a deep breath and say Bonjour Mme Lee, votre marie est tres aggressive aujourdhui. Are you feeling better General Lee, Got all that stuff off your shoulders. G__O__O__D. Now listen you freakin clown, YOU ARE A CARPET CLEANER No Sorry  A practicing carpet cleaner.

More than 2 Satursays..........Jacques Cartier Bridge can be yours for 5,000 $ with 5 tool booths  10,000$ special price cause I like you and your wife's from Quebec.

Researching & writting Canadian version IICRC....just copy it what research is there to do, Mr. Steamer wants to write a book to, you should get together.

Beneficial and least attended = NOT WORTH CRAP

IICRC gives you good feelings = who needs a wife when you can have IICRC by your side to keep you warm and cuddle with.

Defend that they can offer you a course to take and give you 50.00$ a day to eat and after the course is finished they tell you that it only cost 17.50 a day to eat 3 meals in a restaurant, while they go piss away 450.00$ for an afternoon lunch with a friend. GOOD defend Canada I pay my taxes standing up like a man, f**k the loopholes they'll close them and then tell you one day that you owe then 500.000$ I'm too busy defending myself from them bloodsucking perverts, and backstabbing theives, Corruption is the new man in town and the Sheriff is Paul Martin.

IICRC Practicing carpet Inspector= You got me on that one

What's olefin.......what's nylon......what's a Rug Sucker........No really what's a rug Sucker.....perhaps you shouldn't hire me.....I don't know a rug sucker from a they multiply ....if they do then they would be rug suckers.



Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/March/2004 at 2:41pm

a rug sucker..a cock sucker whats the IICRC them dues them dues....we are helping the carpet cleaning world

IICRC has advanced the cleaning world 20 years...bahahaha....Lee makes it seem that they are feeding hungry children in Africa...lololol

IICRC does sooooooooo much good....the Grand Master won the peace prize

Do the customer care??? can I get a "HELL NO!!!!!"

they just want their carpets cleaned plain and simple


Mr. Steam the Sensible Carpet Cleaner

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 15/March/2004 at 3:37pm

Meanwhile, the Padman is going about his business cleanup the worlds dirty mess. Go to the post topic of OP CLEANING and take a look at PadMans work..........very impressive for a rotary machine and pad........You know what I'm going to do today........go to Home Depot and purchase a car polisher, they all come with a bonnet and try to clean one of my clients chair in his restaurant. See if that works, if it does, GREAT NEW AD ON FOR EXTRA CASH.  How's that for some free advise and knowledge Mr. Steamer.........race you to Home Depot

          Jack        NIGHTRIDER   where every carpet cleaner is another carpet cleaners nightmare

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 2:10pm

One of the reasons why I like to keep my registration fees and dues paid up (re-IICRC) etc. is for the extreme educational value that courses, meetings and conventions offer me not to mention rubbing shoulders with people smarter than I am.

If you think education is expensive try ignorance.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 4:09pm

Carpetologist one said ignorance...I always preach training and experience...If you gave a Kleen kuip Certification I would take it....

But I just can't help feeling disgust once a year when I have to send my dues to IICRC for nothing...this is the last year anyways....

Carpetologist do your classes ...give the training I'm all for that...but really make your students learn 200-600 bucks for a two day course I think thats unreasonable...where the instructor is just spoon feeding you the right information to high light and remember...naw naw I don't buy that...there is really no hands on...naw naw...

A guy like me is bad for the business..I feel that the carpet cleaner gets it from all sides.....

* you get it from your peers(you need to be certified)(cut throat pricing)

* you get it from the suppliers(once it has anything to do with carpet cleaning it cost a fortune)

* you get from the service repair men

* you get it from the customer

There alot of money to be mad and even more to be spent...and if you don't watch your bottom line you'll go one has to take steps to cut cost...

Don't be affraid to think out the box

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by Carpetologist Carpetologist wrote:

One of the reasons why I like to keep my registration fees and dues paid up (re-IICRC) etc. is for the extreme educational value that courses, meetings and conventions offer me not to mention rubbing shoulders with people smarter than I am.

If you think education is expensive try ignorance.

Your the bigger man on the canadian block...the little man doesn't hear about this kind of once you've taken the course and passed why pay the dues, for a new letter that most of us never get...If I want to know more about IICRC I'll check the website...thank you very much....

Once you see IICRC is a business...YES A BUSINESS....and they are really not here to better the carpet cleaning world....yes that might happen along the way...but IICRC's purpose is to make money

I'll probally get kicked for that ...but it's the truth...and the truth shall set you free

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 9:11pm
the iicrc (jim darling) dosen't just teach you how to clean carpets better. they teach you how to be more professional. yes it cost money but i think it's worth it........... IICRC FOR EVER!!! 

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: Brian Strawn
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 9:16pm
It is great that everybody is IICRC certified. Education and experience =
$$$$$ for all. However i believe hands on training is where you learn all
you class room info. Good courses show you why and how a procedure or
product works or does not work. I attend approx. 20 IICRC courses a year
most of them are wrt asd amrt fire & smoke & Odor and find this of the
students. FIRST they say they just need the IICRC certificate for the
insurance company they work for. NEXT ( if ) they have a good instructor
that shows how and why a technique or product works with hands on
response is WOW i learned alot of techniques i did not know. Finally if and
only when hands on training is avaiable and not just a power point course
response is awesome course. Now after saying all this IICRC should make
sure all instructors teach awesome courses for a reasonable price! Funny
thing is most of us do not like to be taken advantage of.

Brian Strawn

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 9:29pm

I have so much to tongue is on fire ...... But I'll wait for Ed York to come abord.

      silence is golden................for now


Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 9:37pm

we have lost sight of my question...What do they do for my dues?????can anyone answer that.............????

I want to know what happens to my dues.....I don't get anything for them.

again what do I get for my DUES?

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 9:59pm

Do you know what never mind.....It doesn't really matter.....I've forgotten what wool smells like mold tester doesn't work any more...and I broke my UV light....and why do they wash those area rugs in cold water????It doesn't matter anymore....

I clean carpets thats what I do I'm a CARPET CLEANER!!!!!!I really don't know where I got my training from...all I know is I'm damn good..



Mr. Steamer a damn good Carpet Cleaner

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 10:03pm
i know we pay and pay and pay mr steamer, and we don't see much from it. it almost seems like another tax, but i think it seperates the men from the boys. in my city we have commercial clients who only hire iicrc firms.  

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: Monsterclean
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 10:32pm

Mr. Lee,

You are taxed at 45% in Canada?  That makes me feel better.  I thought Virginia was bad.  Do you have an alternative minimum tax up there? 




Posted By: LeeS.
Date Posted: 16/March/2004 at 10:45pm

Boy oh boy, Mr Nightrider.

I bet you think I'm some sort of nerd with aplastic pen holder eh?

I grew up in the West End of Montreal. We are unique people and proud of it.Ask the people at Kleen Kuip what kind of person I am, you might be surprised.

In this business I have fried my liver further. Developed mould allergies. Have severe sinus problems (likely from overuse of enzymes), had chemical pneumonia.

You think that there is no work in writing an exam?? You are nuts.

You think this health and safety course is useless? You've got to be kidding.

Are you WHMIS trained? Are your employees? If not you are breaking the law.

The law is there to protect people. Wake up and smell the coffee buddy.

I do this work, because of a love for the industry. I spend a fortune on documents and long distance ,  and don't get reimbursed. If you want to slam me  for that go ahead. I don't expect kudos. I just don't know how else to tell people like you that there are a lot of people out there giving selflessly for the common good. THERE IS CERTAINLY NO MONEY IN IT FOR ME.

So go ahead, take your shots, at least you can release your pent up aggravations. FEEL BETTER. Yes I do.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 12:12am

All I have to say to that is money in it for you???man....I got to stop my blood pressure is you didn't make any money from the courses you run????

please ban me from this sight....I need to be banned

I can't believe there are such good people in this world...ones that are going to dedicate their time for the carpet cleaning world....


and look i've been charging all these customers and they've been paying me...

I'M A SINNER CARPET GODS FORGIVE ME I thought I cleaned carpets for profit

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 12:33am

General Lee, before i say what I want to say....can you please let Mr. Steamer where all his dues went to.....he nothing in return.....Steamer did they send you a Christmas card at least. please tell me.

Now to you General.    No I am not WHMIS Trained you know why because I don't have to go into a sewer to know it stinks.....but thanks for asking.

    Jack      NIGHTRIDER        where no ridiculus question goes unanswered

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 12:35am
I got my WHIMIS certificate..BIG all it is good house

Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 12:53pm

I assume your dues go to keep things in operation over at the IICRC.

dues aren't all that big of a deal.

I'm just not sure why the courses cost so much.

I worked my first year in this industry with 0 certification and did fine.

after becoming certified I did feel I understood more about the chemistry of things, and could better explain to the customers why the carpet turned brown after the last guy cleaned it etc. but I didn't really clean any better.

I do have some commercial work where they insist on me being certified.


Education is good in any field IMO,I hope to see the IICRC around for a long time.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 1:19pm
What province to you live in that to do commercail you must be certified

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 2:15pm

Don't go sour on my buddy the General Lee. I know of no one in our industry who does more volenteer time at no pay and many times no Thanks to better our industry. Hats off and long live the General. Keep Up The Good Work Lee!


Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 2:45pm

When Ted talks............everybody listens

Listen what the man says must be the carpet cleaners industry angel

I heard if a man can see far enough he will be looking at the back of his own head

Look around General, there's more to see, the world is a beautiful place, God created the green grass, marvel at that.

   JACK      NIGHTRIDER    what is a man who devotes his spare time to a cause that mankind benefits nothing from. Blessed are those who surrender themselves to their family and children.

Posted By: Stanley
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 3:07pm

Wow I had to check to see if I was Certified. But Yes Yes I am.  I think it's nice to be able to show off your certification to the customer.  Make them aware.

You guys need to stop fighting against IICRC and join them.  They are raising the level of carpet cleaning in US and Canada,  for all us real carpet cleaners.  The more people become aware the better it will be for all certified Tech's.

We need to improve this industry and IICRC is the start.  It will come a day when all customers will only call IICRC certified companies.  But it's up to us as representatives of IICRC to let the customers know.

So some of you who don't want to pay the dues will be left in the cold when the door finally shuts. 

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 3:38pm






Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 4:59pm

I have so many cards...who wants one....every year you get a new one...

You wanna be certified...I can sell you one...39.95...much less than what it cost to take the course

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 5:13pm

I have yet to be certified, now that is NOT to say I haven't taken any classes, I have, but to pay for certification and then to continue to pay for a certificate is kind of like saying, forgot what he learned so if you pay yearly, then you remember better..


I am all for the IICRC for those who reap from it, and respect the many that put a lot of time and effort into it, but it is NOT for everyone.

Now, my daughter, Briana 22 runs my cleaning truck by herself and I will get her certified, it is a different era and it might be of importance to her.


Fire away!

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 5:30pm

I saw a picure of your daughter........she is a very pretty girl.........she's me....when she comes a knocking.......the door will be opened to your her a nice dress and take your family out for a good meal.


Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 17/March/2004 at 6:36pm

Originally posted by nightrider nightrider wrote:

What province to you live in that to do commercail you must be certified




I do the cleaning for B.C. buildings corp.

Also had to become a certified Ultrachem user.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 7:17am

Padman we are constantly telling our children that you can't get any were today without education. Why stop at this industry. Tell her to take some IICRC courses and let her form her own option about what see thinks see got from them. The education she learns will open doors for her. The young women today are very smart, and I'm sure you are proud of her.   Other than education, work ethic is also the most important aspect to one's career.

If Briana has both, she will succeed on her own and it will be then that she can take the dress she wrapped around Jock's neck off and take her family out to dinner knowing that she and only she provided this for them.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:43am

Shes works with Padman....he's already told her the do's and don't....

Adwa so the IICRC sents out your checks weekly or by-weekly???

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:54am
Let's get this straight Mr. Steamer. I do not work for the IICRC. There is nothing wrong with believing in bettering yourself and that can be done through education!

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 10:16am

Adwa, my daughter HAS taken some classes, the problem is this, the instructors are so HWE biased that she learned little from the class. IN the video the instructor showed there was a short segment on our machine, The instructor just pointed to the screen and said, "well we don't have time for that one" and went on, BIG MISTAKE, after 45 minutes my daughter was done with him..LOL

So limited info is given and helpful for our method, you know, this sounds funny but HWE guys HAVE to be smarter, we don't have the need for near the chems or education you do just to do an equal or better job. This is not a slam, it is just the physics of the method and machine movement. So much of what HWE's learn is how to get their chems to clean, whereas with OP, the agitation makes most ANY CHEMICAL do a great job.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:10pm
you tell em adwa stand up and be heard. and padman your right iicrc instructors are hwe biased. they don't believe in our process at all, and that i don't like. they even voice their opinions during the course.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:20pm

Adwa you won't get it taking some dumb course.....grab a OP machine...Grab a wand...get out there and's the only way your truly going to get educated..

IICRC courses give you the  back ground information...the, why this happens, and the why that happens, it shows you the chemistry behind the cleaning....this is info you could easy find for yourself  right here on the net...right here in this forum....if your going to clean an olefin carpet...just punch it in to your search screen...the factorys always give you the do's and don't right here on the web...

IICRC is nothing special...information is everywhere if you want to look for made it here didn't you

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:30pm

Education and carpet cleaning...........Education and window washing................Education and car washing..........Education and garbage-man.......Education and floor sweeper......I can go on and on........Funny thing is, all the above mentioned jobs , we were told that we can all do if we had NO EDUCATION......What a bunch of MORONS

             Jack         NIGHTRIDER  No comment, I'm too pissed

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/March/2004 at 8:45pm
some people can't read the sign that says TOILET, it doesn't mean they can't use one....

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/March/2004 at 9:55pm
Lee:  I commend you on your vigorus defence of thr IICRC.  When I first became part of IICRC it was the IICUC but with all the diversifiaation into the restoration and inspection fields the name was changed.  I stiill rember Jeff Bishop as a ISCT convention is Ohio calling it IICRC everyone in the crowd thought he forgot his speach. This was a long time ago in a galaxay far far away.  I can even remember the time when some thought the OPCCA certifiacation was better than the IICUC certification.  In that time I attended most of my seminars in the US and still do.  One of the greatest feelings leaving a seminar in the fact that even if you didn't learn anything new, but just realized that you are doing what you do right was enought for me.   Some say on the job training is all you need and experience I am sorry but I have to disagree.  I know people who know no more now than they did 15 years ago.  Guess what?  They don't need to attend seminars how stupid can someone be?  Because if they did it it has to be right.  Sort of a Wayne's world approch.  After reading some of the posts I had to get my 2 cents worth in and they maybe all it is worth.  But a phobia for knowledge cannot be a good thing.  These opinions are the writers and I hope I have not offended anyone.  I may be a little one sided as I am a IICRC Regional Supervisor along with a few other things certifications I mean. 

Date Posted: 19/March/2004 at 10:14pm


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/March/2004 at 10:26pm

Originally posted by MAGIC-STEAM MAGIC-STEAM wrote:


Maybe for you a picture may have worked better.  You must learn to crawl before you walk.

Posted By: LeeS.
Date Posted: 19/March/2004 at 10:44pm

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 1:36am
DOUG is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How was the conference Doug kiss enough corporate butt...glad to have you back....

Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 1:54am
you're just like a big bag of wind , totally useless. I bet you can give a good blow job.


Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 1:58am

Good one any more???...I charge at least 250 for one of my blow jobs...whip it out if you got one???

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 6:36am

Hi Doug if any body did not know about IICRC when they entered this site, they sure do know. Great exposer!

A few pages back Mr. Steamer asked the question WERE DOES MY DUE GO each year to the IICRC?

Would you please put in layman's terms the answer so the poor boy can rest his head at night.

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 6:54am
good doug is back. i don't think mr steamer has a fear of knowledge, he has a fear of paying for it. IICRC FOREVER - BRING ON THE COURSES.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: Stanley
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 9:15am

All this guys posts are just a big waste of time.  You can see he does way more talking than he does cleaning.

Thank Gawd for that!

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 4:22pm are a prize......just getting to know you a little through your comments and posts........I'm not impressed yet.....lots of here-say.........not very constuctive, but hey.....maybe you're just warming up.


Posted By: jackblack
Date Posted: 20/March/2004 at 7:32pm
OK ok the dues went to pay somebody's

Mortgage....get over it

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 12:11am
This was how it was a few months ago Gmoney...we've been there done that


Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 7:44pm
and steamer saw the the light. and the angles in heaven sang with joy. lol

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 7:57pm

Mr. Steamer;

He waundered so aimless his heart filled with sin

He wouldn't let the  poor IICRC in

Now he's so happy no sorrow in sight

Praise the lord Steamer saw the light.

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 8:09pm
Hang on there doug..... I've noticed a rise in reservices... and wreck furnitures... In Home training is bull... it's just an excuse to get away with paying big class fees to have it done right


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 8:17pm
Mr. Steamer:  Some years ago I was called to do an inspection for the Bay.  I was lead to believe they were a certifed company as they stated to me.  The homeowner even said the were certified even had cards with photo id the works.  Now the kicker was at the time they were certified I think the name was Adler and Associates they were the cleaning company that had the cleaning contract with the bay??  They just madeup the certifications and the cards looked impressive.  Inhome all the Guitarway.

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:10pm
Mr. Steamer:  This is like MSN.  My fingers are now sore. I am not used to all this work?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:14pm
I can give you a few companies in the GTA doug with false everything.... what can you do????


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:18pm
Mr. Steamer:  You can call IICRC they will deal with them regarding their advertising or if you want to send them to me I will forward them on to IICRC. I think there is a regional Supervisor it GTA. I am just not sure who it is now? Lee would know.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:21pm
This guy failed the class... him and his whole crew... but still they advertise  IICRC... Sears and the Bay both do it to 


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:23pm
Mr. Steamer:  If that is true IICRC will contact them directly and take what ever action is needed.  all the need is one certified person to advertise certified firm.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:25pm

I heard you have to pay extra charges if you put the seal in your Yellow pages ad???


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 08/November/2004 at 9:26pm
Mr. Steamer:  I have never been charged extra.  I have a few different ones in my ad.Guitar

Just My opinion

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