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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
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Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 8:17pm
Greenie and Lisa that's who!

Have a nice drive and camping trip Ken?

KOA Kenny

I like the way that sounds

Ti wand greenie glide and a Nordic 1 vac booster

now your cooking


Nordic 1

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 8:51pm
You seemed to enjoy yourself with this post Nordic. If you were at Connections give us the scoop on what was happening.

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Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 9:24pm

What is it about this industry or maybe it is in every industry that you can take someones idea, make a few changes and have the nerve to boost about your conquest.

Meanwhile everyone is saying, they stole that idea from this guy and that guy.

Hey I'm happy for all of you.

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Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 9:36pm
I give credit to Ed Valentine who helped me make mine

they work the same but are not the same

Eds works with portables mine is all metal and will hold up to the rigors of PD blowers truck mounts

Nordic 1   

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 10:29pm

Nordic 1:  Help me out here.  First you are talking about the Vortex , ti wand and glides right?  Now what to hell is this other dribble about metal what ever?  Is this some kind if infomerical or what?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 10:48pm

Doug Esteam also has a Vac Booster. I am not sure if this is the same concept but this unit can give your 150 vac lift a boost to 180 vac lift, portable that is.

I'm sure Terji will inform us on how it works on a TM, he also has a nice web site.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 10:51pm
ADWA:  What confused me was one post he was talking about glides than the next one made no sence.  I thought I read somewhere on a post about his vac boosters.  The second post made no sence.  Almost something like I would author.  Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 09/November/2004 at 11:33pm
Greenie and Lisa had their glide on the wand on Shawn Yorks Vortex machine.

Ken drove all the way to Vegas from Alberta
and stayed in the back of his mini van at the KOA camp ground. LOL remember he sells 500 glides a month and sleeps in the mini van. ????

I thought Gloria said I stole My Idea from ED

which Ed helped me make a booster for trucks mounts NOT portables and I will not make one for porty and step on EDs shoes.

does this help

Nordic 1

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:14am

I had my Glide on that wand too, Terry, but since you were not there you would not have known that would you? lol


I drove down to Vegas in a Motorhome, not a minivan.  Again, you were not there so would not be expected to know this.The fact that I am selling over 500 glides this month is not in the least connected. If i were selling over a thousand glides per month, I would do the same thing.


People that waste money in one part of their business will often do the same thing in the other parts as well. I have never thrown money around when a thrifter approach gets the job done just as well.I actually stayed in Mesquite where the rent on rooms was much better than Vegas.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:19am
Ken my spys have you in a Astro van at the KOA

what was wrong with a plane ride

You were in the same camp ground as lisa and greenie

I guess you could call a astro van a motor home?

Nordic 1

better dry times by physics not gimmicks

Posted By: Lisa Smith
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:25am


You never had your glide on that was OUR titanium wand from our work truck and you were never given permission to put YOUR slotted glide on it. Our glide fits much too tightly to just pop on and off.

I understand that you have a need to ride our coattails and it showed by your hanging around the Vortex demo truck, acting like it was your glide...even putting YOUR business cards on the truck and having YOUR photo taken by your salesman holding our wand with OUR glide attached.

If I ever see that photo being used to promote YOUR products...we will have an even bigger problem than we have now. Stay North of the border Kenny.

Take care,


Posted By: Nordic 1
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:27am
Lisa what colour was Kens Astro errrrrrrrr mini van errrrr motor home

Nordic 1

Posted By: Lisa Smith
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:31am

Don't know, Terje...he just told Greenie he drove it down and slept in it...we weren't exactly hanging out together.

Take care,


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 2:53am

Lisa: I DID have my glide on that wand. I put it on when Rob Hanks from Bridgepoint was there taking a look at your glide. I carry a flathead screwdriver in my pocket for removing glides, and have the experience to remove even yours. I didn't see you around, so just changed it so cleaners there could compare the difference. Nobody there said I couldn't do it, so I just did. I thought the wand was a part of the Vortex unit set-up. If I had of known that it was yours I would have asked first.

The wand and glide in the picture taken was your wand and glide. I have no intention of ever saying otherwise, or using that picture for promotion purposes for my business, though I will hang the picture on the wall  in my home as one of my favorite shots.Most of my time will be spent south of the border, where the sales are.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Lisa Smith
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 3:00am

All I can say to the good people here on this board who may not be familiar with ken's business practices and customer service record is


Take care,


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 3:13am
I obviously was not going to say what the real vehicle I had drove down with considering that I had over 100 teflon glides on board worth thousands of dollars that were sent in for distribution to the distributors . People were so excited about glides at the show that they probably would have broke into the vehicle to get them if they had of known where to look. Can't be too cautious about these things.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Lisa Smith
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 3:20am

It just gets deeper and deeper...okay Ken.....

Have you ever heard of the term "pathological liar"?

There is professional help available to you...and in Canada it's free!

Take care,


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 3:22am
LOL . 

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 8:09pm


Didi you drive across the border with the glides???

I have a pic of kens ASStro van.  Email me and I'll send ya the pic.

I was at Connections and the highlight was when the kenadian unvieled the LATEST design........BY PULLING UP HIS PANT LEG AND GETTING IT OUT OF HIS SOCKS!!!!!      I could hardly stand up I was laughing so hard!



Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 10/November/2004 at 8:29pm
Originally posted by Dennis Conner Dennis Conner wrote:


Didi you drive across the border with the glides???

I have a pic of kens ASStro van.  Email me and I'll send ya the pic.

I was at Connections and the highlight was when the kenadian unvieled the LATEST design........BY PULLING UP HIS PANT LEG AND GETTING IT OUT OF HIS SOCKS!!!!!      I could hardly stand up I was laughing so hard!



bahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa You go Kenny show those Americans how to get things through customs.lolololol


Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 12:53am
Nothing to it really. I go down to the UPS office and send the glides to the closest distributor over the border that is along the route I  am driving. That was SLC(Salt Lake City). I pick up the glides in the motorhome and drive them down to Vegas. I park the rig 3 blocks away from the Convention Hotel at the KOA. Distributors come out there and pick up their glides that I sold them before leaving Calgary.Distributors then sell them at the show. I had 6 distributors selling and demoing my glides at Connections this year. Piece of Cake.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 1:10am

and Greenie sold more.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


and you got verbally bitchslapped by a lady!








Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 1:50am
If you think someone else sold more than me, you are mistaken. 104 glides that I made were sold at that show. The competition sold 18 glides. The diference was I was selling 6 different designs from many more booths. And I did it without needing an outdoor demo too.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Lisa Smith
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 1:55am



Thank you for the entertainment.....Goodnight.

Take Care,

GREENIE & lisa

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:06am

Please NAME the 6 booths selling your glides...I was there and saw Cobb's and thats it.









Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:35am
You must walk around with your eyes closed Chuck. lol. Figure the rest out for yourself. lol

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:39am





You have been caught in another lie!

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:48am
You can't get me to rise to that bait Chuck. Nice try though. LOL

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:50am

Cause it is a bunch of crap....LIAR




Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 12:53pm
No, cause HR would send out a bunch of letters to them telling them not to sell my glides like they did last time, reducing my sales yet again. They have still not sent out letters to them giving them permission to sell the glides again since they sent out the first ones back in March this year. That is why the distributors that sell my glides now are not listed or spelled out. It is the reason you never saw them on more tables at the show. I told people that I sent over to them to say that I referred them to them BEFORE they showed the glides.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: Dennis Conner
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 1:03pm



And I recall you saying on a BB (I can NAVASEARCH if needed and if it isnt deleated on ICS) that there were two winners and they said you can make your glides.  If that is the case, why would you be scared?


Which statement is the lie?  DUDE, you are busted again as a PROVEN LIAR!







Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 1:32pm
Dennis:  Do you think you can ever win " Who's Lie Is It?" I think that is a  tv show with Drew Carrie in it?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 11/November/2004 at 2:31pm



I have the most respect for both Lisa and  Nordic 1.

And, the reason for this is simply that they have "EARNED it" the hard way simply by proving themselves on a regular basis.

Lisa (and Greenie) got the screws put to them by someone whom told them something that wasn't true. It was all based on a hope and a promise. They have finally pulled themselves together in an effort to show honor to this Industry and to the customers who had defaulty products. Now, they have, together with Nordic 1's best efforts, put together a product (GLIDE) that "really works" and will back up that promise, I'm sure.

As for my good friend, Nordic 1, he is a very neat gentleman whom also goes way beyond whats necessary (sometimes) in an effort to profect his product AND help. As far a I'm concerned, "he" is the "ONLY" person who has not stole something from us without giving us due praise in the first place. He's also what this Industry needs and needed years back.

As for Ken Harris, --no disrespect here--, but throwing out all those sales numbers, my 28 years of doing this ,would only suggest otherwise. No way Ken.

Those are my thoughts and opinions.


Good Fortune to all;

Ed Valentine

cross-american corp.

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