I'm a marketing guy, and wanted to find out if it's OK for 'outsiders' to post on this forum, assuming we aren't spamming/advertising. I've read the rules, as well as the terms and conditions, and don't find anything about the industry you need to be in to post on this forum.
That said, I've spent a couple hours reading through some threads where it seemed like some 'outsiders' offered some good advice and were immediately flamed at an amazing level.
If you are someone who, HATES, these outsider/marketing guys (me) who post on your board, please take a deep breath and read the next three points with an open mind. - Do you know more about carpet cleaning than the average 'marketing specialist?' Of course, so why is that? Because you are immersed in the business of carpet cleaning, every day.
- As a marketing person, I'm immersed in the world of marketing strategies every day. Is it possible, I may have an idea that could help you make more money?
- Maybe shutting out all marketing ideas that don't come from other successful carpet cleaners is a way to keep your business from growing at the level it could. Maybe a new open minded CC will come in and just steal all of your business using strategies you don't even know about.
I totally agree with flagging and eliminating anyone who is spamming, but just posting useful information to start building a relationship isn't spamming. It's a good business strategy especially in the business to business arena. By the way, it's also a win-win business strategy.
What About Flaming? (flaming: to make statements of a personal nature to deliberately provoke or incite others into confrontations)No aggressive, personal attacks on someone just because of a disagreement with their point of view will be tolerated. Flaming is a cheap shot, the easy way out, and an immature & unintelligent way of "getting back" at another poster by simply being mean-spirited. It is used in lieu of intelligent, logical discourse because the flamer is incapable of intelligence and logic, so they fall back on a personal attack. Again, it will not be tolerated in the Kleen Kuip forums.
From the threads I've read, flaming seems a lot more prevalent than spamming.
OK, I'm off my high horse, and I should mention that I'm open to any discussion on this point. If the overall will of this forum is, "we hate all marketing people." I'll just accept that and move on.
Maybe it's just the loudest people who are so angry and anti-outsider, and there are some of you who are interested in more information.
I look forward to hearing from all.