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sunday shopping

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Topic: sunday shopping
Posted By: greg
Subject: sunday shopping
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 6:48am
do all of you have sunday shopping. nova scotia had to vote last week on weather or not we should have it. it was close but most people didn't want it (my self included). it's not that i don't want to shop on sunday. i don't want someone else to be forced to work on sunday. what do you think.  

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 7:43am
Thw wor;d has evolved.  It is time to getout of the stone ages.  The world does not stop spinning on Sundays.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 8:31am
the world doesn't have to stop spinning on sunday doug. but the rat race should stop. we all need a day of rest.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 10:34am
Greg:  Unfortunately with people working shift work etc.  Sunday is not everyone's day to rest.  We have to think of more than ourselves.  I worked a seven day schedule in the 70's, nly had one weekend a month.  the rest of my days off were during the week.  What  about fireman, nurses and policemen they don't get Sundays off. But maybe Sunday is the only day they have to shop.  Should they be deprived of the right to shop??Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 11:28am
your right doug, sunday is the only day some people have to shop. i'm not saying people shouldn't shop. i'm saying others shouldn't be forced to work so they can. they should have a choice. i have a choice, you have a choice. nobody should be forced to work on sunday. 

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 12:01pm
Greg:  I guess you are right, lets shut down the hospitals, fire departments all emergenchy services,  while you are at it maybe the gas stations, resturants, lets just closeup shop on Sunday.  What do you think of that scenerio?  Everybody's job is not Monday to Friday  nine to five. Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 12:22pm

we've had Sunday shopping for years.

pretty rare I get Sundays off ,why should anyone else




Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 12:25pm
what would you do doug, if the government told you that from now on you have to be open on sunday. how would you like it. hospitals fire dept. etc etc we need  these things. we all ready have 6 days to shop, some are even open 24 hours. thats enough. just my opinion.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 12:36pm
Greg:  I worked a 7 day job for many years including picking up milk at farms.  Damm cows I do not know why the farmer wouldn't just turn off the nipples till Monday?  Any way it was a good debate.  No hard feelings and no winner.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 12:50pm
right on doug.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 1:26pm

No Sunday shopping..... I hate working Sundays ... it should be a family day... it doesn't make the store owners anymore money, people just procrastinate more.....

My family has brought back Sunday dinners... it's a shame when not all can make it or we have to eat late because some of us are working

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 1:31pm

WHY SUNDAY? why not monday or wednesday off?


Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 2:14pm

nobodys pushing anything on you splash. like steamer said, it should be a family day.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 4:52pm

People are lacking in traditional family values..... I remember being a kid.. we were not allowed to go out and play on Sundays... church was a must, but now things are so lax... sex and sin everywhere....

my dad that use to be so holy...has gone to the casino on a sunday

greg hold on to your sundays for as long as you can

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 5:05pm

I'm on the run but I have to say that I use to know what day Sunday was. I can remember saying I hate Sunday's I am so god dam bored. My mother use to say the only good thing about Sunday is Church sit down dinner and Ed Sullivan.

I wish I had that back for my family. Everybody is going here and their and when we get a chance to sit down to dinner we fight because we lost the art of communication.

But your absolutely right Steamer having Sunday to shop we all just procrastinate more. Why shop today we can do it tomorrow.

I miss you guys

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Posted By: greg
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 5:26pm
thanks steamer i plan on it. i love my sundays just family and friends. share the love.

nothing is impossable. it just hasn't been done yet.

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 20/October/2004 at 9:07pm
why not monday?

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