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AS the Season winds down:

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
Printed Date: 23/February/2025 at 11:54am
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Topic: AS the Season winds down:
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Subject: AS the Season winds down:
Date Posted: 22/December/2009 at 10:28am
To all the Wonderful Individuals whom we have had the pleasure & opportunity of serving since 1977, I just wanted to pass along a sincere Thank You for our success.

Trying our very best to lend a helping hand and assist all our customers here in the States, and those overseas has been very gratifying to say the least. And that has all been because of you.

We have been fortunate to have built many many friendships all around the Globe with the finest individuals one could ever have been associated with. These families are all hard working, just like you and me, and have the exact same obstacles to deal with on a daily basis. They have proven most honorable.

Because of you, I have seen Cross-American become a real leader in this Industry in terms of true innovation. Bringing to the fore-front; Airflo/CFM concepts; unique designs that help create and maintain running efficieny; many inventions/innovations such as The POWER BOOSTER system, and many many more.

And, I have also witnessed that we have been the most copied by our generic competition around the globe as well. Therefore, I truly & deeply feel gratified that we have helped this Industry to make a hugh difference, and perhaps, made it a little better.

Therefore, I truly want to Thank each and every one of you and suggest one goal in 2010:

Try your very best and strieve to be the Best you can be at home and at your businesses. Set 3 major goals that will help change your business or the way you go about it --well and above the competition---and go for it because there is nothing more gratifing than contributing and leaving your mark/signature in this World when it becomes time to ride into the sunset.

The very best to all & a Very Merry Christmas;
Ed Valentine & Crew

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 22/December/2009 at 4:51pm
Ed.....once you ride into the sunset, nobody cares, your name is just mentioned in trivial conversation, and you footprint is washed away with the rain and covered with the snow. Your mark is only a carbon print that was replaced by a little baby born somewhere in the world and your signature is worthless to all concerned especially the bank and on all uncashed checques . We came into this world alone and we leave this world alone . The people left behind have memories of you but time is a thief and that too dwindles away lke sand on the shore when the tide comes to do it's daily cleaning of decomposing deposits.
Have a great time with your horse with No Name..........Big smile

Posted By: AndyMan
Date Posted: 24/December/2009 at 7:52am
well said


Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 25/December/2009 at 11:07am
I am glad I don't see the world from your point of view Nightrider. Hopefully you will see that it is possible to make a difference and that anyone can leave a legacy.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 25/December/2009 at 4:29pm
LilNiteRidrhood.....It doesn't much matter how we see the's how the world see's us.....and right now now we're just as wanted as a case of fleas, but you probably don't even understand what I'm forget that.
Mr. Walter Disney,..... 85 % don't know who he is,..... when they go to Disney World, or Disneyland over 70% don't know Disney is a family name and not a magical place.
Do you think of  Benjamin Franklin every time you open a light switch  ( HOPE NOT ) BECAUSE HE DIDN'T EVEN INVENT ELECTRICITY .
When was the last time you thought of the maker or inventor of anything.....probably never.
It seems to me people use words they don't even know the meaning of.

Main Entry: 1leg·a·cy < =au title="Listen to the pronunciation of 1legacy" ="return au'legacy01', 'legacy';" = itxt="1">
Pronunciation: \ˈle-gə-sē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural leg·a·cies
Etymology: Middle English legacie office of a legate, bequest, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, office of a legate, from Medieval Latin legatia, from Latin legatus
Date: 15th century

1 : a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : - bequest
2 : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past <the legacy of the ancient philosophers>

Do you think GOD cares what you invent, how much money you have, how great a carpet cleaner you are..... or doctor for that fact..........He cares how we treat each other, how we keep His commandments, how we honor his son Jesus as our tell God of your legacy when you stand in front of him when your time comes and not reconize His son when he stands beside you as God looks for your name in the Book of Life.....and doesn't find it.
At the end , the only things that count are your good deeds towards others, that is for eternity.....what you leave in this world has NO VALUE and means NOTHING

Posted By: hadwinhal
Date Posted: 26/December/2009 at 5:12am
Am so glad for you..
Have a happy time buddy..
All the best.Smile

------------- - Carpet cleaning portland

Posted By: CleanBean
Date Posted: 26/December/2009 at 12:30pm
Thank you much Ed!  Thanks for your contribution to the industry! Hopefully as my business grows I'll be doing business with you in 2010!


Above all....BE PROFESSIONAL!!!

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