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stock tips

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Topic: stock tips
Posted By: Ken_Is_OK
Subject: stock tips
Date Posted: 01/June/2009 at 4:31pm
anybody got any?

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 14/June/2009 at 1:14am
Originally posted by Ken_Is_OK Ken_Is_OK wrote:

anybody got any?

Sorry, I didn't see your post until now.


All are low risk over the long term (2 years).  I don't trust RIMM as much as others do.  But that lack of trust has been my downfall so far (up 127%).

The approaching wireless broadband phone boom has been projected by Goldman Sachs to be 40 times the size of the PC boom of the 90's.  That said, anything related to wireless should be positively affected. 

Seriously, you should watch Jim Cramer on CNBC for tips about wireless if you don't have access to Goldman Sachs, or at least watch his clips on the CNBC blog.  Techs were expected to pull back their usual 8% after last week's tech convention, and they did exactly that, so now is a good time to buy. Sell AAPL once it reaches $180, or at least take 50% off the table.

If you want a day trade, buy TCK on a down day and sell on an up.  If it pulls back 2 days in a row, you've got a easy $$$ the next day or two. It has become very volatile.  If  the demand for copper ever becomes real, the stock will double. In fact, it has doubled several times over since I recommended it here several months ago.

Cramer's official speculative stock pick for 2009 is SLM.  Unfortunately, it has risen 25% since he recommended it (because he recommended it) a few days ago.

Do not invest more than 20% of your portfolio in any one stock.  Also, stay diversified by investing in multiple industries.

I usually invest no more than 5-10% in any one stock. A few stinkers are a part of anyone's portfolio, but if you're right 60% of the time, you're doing just fine. 60% is a very modest goal.

If Kenny gives you any tips on oil, do the opposite of what he says. You will become a very rich man.

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 5:04pm
Originally posted by FriendlyHammer FriendlyHammer wrote:

Originally posted by Ken_Is_OK Ken_Is_OK wrote:

anybody got any?
Sorry, I didn't see your post until now.aaplrimmqcomgs jpmAll are low risk over the long term (2 years).  I don't trust RIMM as much as others do.  But that lack of trust has been my downfall so far (up 127%).The approaching wireless broadband phone boom has been projected by Goldman Sachs to be 40 times the size of the PC boom of the 90's.  That said, anything related to wireless should be positively affected.  Seriously, you should watch Jim Cramer on CNBC for tips about wireless if you don't have access to Goldman Sachs, or at least watch his clips on the CNBC blog.  Techs were expected to pull back their usual 8% after last week's tech convention, and they did exactly that, so now is a good time to buy. Sell AAPL once it reaches $180, or at least take 50% off the table.If you want a day trade, buy TCK on a down day and sell on an up.  If it pulls back 2 days in a row, you've got a easy $$$ the next day or two. It has become very volatile.  If  the demand for copper ever becomes real, the stock will double. In fact, it has doubled several times over since I recommended it here several months ago.Cramer's official speculative stock pick for 2009 is SLM.  Unfortunately, it has risen 25% since he recommended it (because he recommended it) a few days ago.Do not invest more than 20% of your portfolio in any one stock.  Also, stay diversified by investing in multiple industries.I usually invest no more than 5-10% in any one stock. A few stinkers are a part of anyone's portfolio, but if you're right 60% of the time, you're doing just fine. 60% is a very modest goal.If Kenny gives you any tips on oil, do the opposite of what he says. You will become a very rich man.

I would not buy any stocks at all right now because they are going down in the big sell-off about to get underway.

However now is an excellant time to sell both oil and silver stocks short. Both are headed for a big fall in the next few weeks.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 5:57pm
My knowledge on stocks can fit on the tip of a pin.....but I have to laugh at all those who claim to be making so much money with stocks and still sucking $hit out of carpets

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 6:59pm
Originally posted by nightrider nightrider wrote:

My knowledge on stocks can fit on the tip of a pin.....but I have to laugh at all those who claim to be making so much money with stocks and still sucking $hit out of carpets


Me too Jack.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 8:31pm
FX dudes....
Not tips needed just pick your indicators and watch the markets....
observe to learn...develop a system(plan)  make money
really it's that simple


Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 10:19pm
Originally posted by Superglide Ken Superglide Ken wrote:

Originally posted by FriendlyHammer FriendlyHammer wrote:

Originally posted by Ken_Is_OK Ken_Is_OK wrote:

anybody got any?
Sorry, I didn't see your post until now.aaplrimmqcomgs jpmAll are low risk over the long term (2 years).  I don't trust RIMM as much as others do.  But that lack of trust has been my downfall so far (up 127%).The approaching wireless broadband phone boom has been projected by Goldman Sachs to be 40 times the size of the PC boom of the 90's.  That said, anything related to wireless should be positively affected.  Seriously, you should watch Jim Cramer on CNBC for tips about wireless if you don't have access to Goldman Sachs, or at least watch his clips on the CNBC blog.  Techs were expected to pull back their usual 8% after last week's tech convention, and they did exactly that, so now is a good time to buy. Sell AAPL once it reaches $180, or at least take 50% off the table.If you want a day trade, buy TCK on a down day and sell on an up.  If it pulls back 2 days in a row, you've got a easy $$$ the next day or two. It has become very volatile.  If  the demand for copper ever becomes real, the stock will double. In fact, it has doubled several times over since I recommended it here several months ago.Cramer's official speculative stock pick for 2009 is SLM.  Unfortunately, it has risen 25% since he recommended it (because he recommended it) a few days ago.Do not invest more than 20% of your portfolio in any one stock.  Also, stay diversified by investing in multiple industries.I usually invest no more than 5-10% in any one stock. A few stinkers are a part of anyone's portfolio, but if you're right 60% of the time, you're doing just fine. 60% is a very modest goal.If Kenny gives you any tips on oil, do the opposite of what he says. You will become a very rich man.

I would not buy any stocks at all right now because they are going down in the big sell-off about to get underway.

However now is an excellant time to sell both oil and silver stocks short. Both are headed for a big fall in the next few weeks.
You've had the same advice every day for the past 3 months. Some day a blind squirrel will find a nut and you will be right. In this type of market, regular 6% pullbacks are normal.

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 15/June/2009 at 10:22pm
Originally posted by Superglide Ken Superglide Ken wrote:

Originally posted by nightrider nightrider wrote:

My knowledge on stocks can fit on the tip of a pin.....but I have to laugh at all those who claim to be making so much money with stocks and still sucking $hit out of carpets


Me too Jack.
Me too Jack and Kenny.  LOL  Me toooooooooooooooooooooo! LOL
(Glad I made all my predictions public. I feel sorry for anyone who isn't up 200% for the year, simply doing naked trades. Anyone who followed Kenny went the opposite of the market month after month after month after month!!!!!!)

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 12:07am
Originally posted by MR. STEAMER MR. STEAMER wrote:

FX dudes....
Not tips needed just pick your indicators and watch the markets....
observe to learn...develop a system(plan)  make money
really it's that simple
Exactly. -

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 12:13am
I told you guys to buy TCK on a down day, so you had your chance (down 5.97%)  If tomorrow is also down, buy damit. 
Everyone in mutual funds brags if their mutual fund makes10% average a year.  Bernie Maddoff made a fortune giving people 10% a year. You can make that much in a couple of days.
I have made another public prediction.

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 12:34am
Kenny, I told you to buy uranium a few months ago.  I hope you listened.;range=3m;indicator=split+dividend+ke_sd+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined -;range=3m;indicator=split+dividend+ke_sd+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 7:18am
Kenny.....this is what you should will never loose
1- H - Hydrogen
2 - He - Helium
3 - Li - Lithium
4 - Be - Beryllium
5 - B - Boron
6 - C - Carbon
7 - N - Nitrogen
8 - O - Oxygen
9 - F - Fluorine
10 - Ne - Neon
11 - Na - Sodium
12 - Mg - Magnesium
13 - Al - Aluminum, Aluminium
14 - Si - Silicon
15 - P - Phosphorus
16 - S - Sulfur
17 - Cl - Chlorine
18 - Ar - Argon
19 - K - Potassium
20 - Ca - Calcium
21 - Sc - Scandium
22 - Ti - Titanium
23 - V - Vanadium
24 - Cr - Chromium
25 - Mn - Manganese
26 - Fe - Iron
27 - Co - Cobalt
28 - Ni - Nickel
29 - Cu - Copper
30 - Zn - Zinc
31 - Ga - Gallium
32 - Ge - Germanium
30 - Zn - Zinc
31 - Ga - Gallium
32 - Ge - Germanium
33 - As - Arsenic
34 - Se - Selenium
35 - Br - Bromine
36 - Kr - Krypton
37 - Rb - Rubidium
38 - Sr - Strontium
39 - Y - Yttrium
40 - Zr - Zirconium
41 - Nb - Niobium
42 - Mo - Molybdenum
43 - Tc - Technetium
44 - Ru - Ruthenium
45 - Rh - Rhodium
46 - Pd - Palladium
47 - Ag - Silver
48 - Cd - Cadmium
49 - In - Indium
50 - Sn - Tin
51 - Sb - Antimony
52 - Te - Tellurium
53 - I - Iodine
54 - Xe - Xenon
55 - Cs - Cesium
56 - Ba - Barium
57 - La - Lanthanum
58 - Ce - Cerium
59 - Pr - Praseodymium
60 - Nd - Neodymium
61 - Pm - Promethium
62 - Sm - Samarium
63 - Eu - Europium
64 - Gd - Gadolinium
65 - Tb - Terbium
66 - Dy - Dysprosium
67 - Ho - Holmium
68 - Er - Erbium
69 - Tm - Thulium
70 - Yb - Ytterbium
71 - Lu - Lutetium
72 - Hf - Hafnium
73 - Ta - Tantalum
74 - W - Tungsten
75 - Re - Rhenium
76 - Os - Osmium
77 - Ir - Iridium
78 - Pt - Platinum
79 - Au - Gold
80 - Hg - Mercury
81 - Tl - Thallium
82 - Pb - Lead
83 - Bi - Bismuth
84 - Po - Polonium
85 - At - Astatine
86 - Rn - Radon
87 - Fr - Francium
88 - Ra - Radium
89 - Ac - Actinium
90 - Th - Thorium
91 - Pa - Protactinium
92 - U - Uranium
93 - Np - Neptunium
94 - Pu - Plutonium
95 - Am - Americium
96 - Cm - Curium
97 - Bk - Berkelium
98 - Cf - Californium
99 - Es - Einsteinium
100 - Fm - Fermium
101 - Md - Mendelevium
102 - No - Nobelium
103 - Lr - Lawrencium
104 - Rf - Rutherfordium
105 - Db - Dubnium
106 - Sg - Seaborgium
107 - Bh - Bohrium
108 - Hs - Hassium
109 - Mt - Meitnerium
110 - Ds - Darmstadtium
111 - Rg - Roentgenium
112 - Uub - Ununbium
113 - Uut - Ununtrium
114 - Uuq - Ununquadium
115 - Uup - Ununpentium
116 - Uuh - Ununhexium
117 - Uus - Ununseptium
118 - Uuo - Ununoctium -  


Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 6:19pm
Just buy the ones that are affected by Obama.  

Also, don't buy the raw materials.  Buy the miners, instead.  They were were down 96% when I made the recommendation.  There was only one direction the stocks could trade at the time = UP.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 6:26pm
Friendly.....I would like to try my hand at stocks.....but some of the stocks you recommend the buy in price is so high that even if it goes up 10 bucks a share I don't think it's worth the risk
How about penny stocks..........any good..............know any that might be a winner

Posted By: FriendlyHammer
Date Posted: 16/June/2009 at 7:07pm
Originally posted by nightrider nightrider wrote:

Friendly.....I would like to try my hand at stocks.....but some of the stocks you recommend the buy in price is so high that even if it goes up 10 bucks a share I don't think it's worth the risk
How about penny stocks..........any good..............know any that might be a winner

I don't care about the price - just the percentages.  If you spent $1000 on a $200 per share stock, and you spent $1000 on a $1 per share stock, and they both went up 6%, you would have made the same on both stocks.

However, I think HBAN is a pretty decent cheap stock if you are willing to wait 6 months or more.  Let the price fall a little if you want a better price, however,  because it was getting some hype last week.

The easy money is now out of the market, so patience is requred.

Also, I'm not really interested in talking about stocks. My only intention is to demonstrate to people that Kenny's hype is a road to sorrow. The real money is made by the changes from bad times to good. We need more bad times so that we can retire early.

Anyone who has invested in gold over the long term is a sad investor. In fact, Kenny was hyping gold at $900 and saying it would go to $1,000 or 1,100.  That's a puny 10%+ move, and we were supposed to get excited about that?????  

Let's face it, gold is hyped.  If you bought gold at its peak in 1980 and held on to it in the hopes that you would one day sell it for what you paid for it, you will still be holding onto it today, because gold has not reached the price it was since then.  In addition, you have lost half the value in real dollars because of inflation.  In other words, the gold you bought to protect you from inflation has lost half its value DUE TO INFLATION!!!!!  Gold at $1,000 today is the same $500 gold of 1980!!!!

Once again, I am not here to brag about myself, like Kenny is.  I am not here to talk about my self and impress you.  I am here to tell YOU that YOU can do better, and I hope I have helped YOU to help YOURSELF. Do not drink Kenny's koolaid.

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 17/June/2009 at 12:37am
Do not drink Kenny's koolaid.

Unless you you want to be rich and protect your assets.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

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