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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Encapsulation, Very Low Moisture, Oscillating Pad Cleaning
Forum Description: Discuss anything relating to very low moisture, encap and oscillating pad cleaning
Printed Date: 13/March/2025 at 2:31pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.06 -

Posted By: DeepScrub
Subject: PLEASE HELP!!!
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 4:53pm
I have been reading for a while on the pad cleaning method.I really want to go in this direction of cleaning.I currently own a power-flite 13inch 175rpm rotary machine.I can't afford a OP machine at this moment.I have brushes on the bottom of my rotary also,well I'm sure everyone else does as well.Can I still pad clean with my machine??until I save enough $$money to purchase a OP machine?? Thanks any input to help my situation!!


Posted By: Hammy
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 7:02pm
Does the block not come off your machine?

Could somebody just clean my carpets!

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 7:21pm

If your entire investment is a $199 machine then get the hell out of our profession. Any investor under $6000.00 does not deserve to be part of our brotherhood. Go get a job at Sobeys


Posted By: DeepScrub
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 8:28pm
LOL!! I own a portable also d**khead.I'm new and don't have a lot of customers just yet.Sorry I can't afford a 1,000-3,000 dollar machine just yet.It's called rent and cost living dumbass!


Posted By: FuzzSucker
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 11:45pm

------------- - | - Colorado Springs Carpet Cleaning

Posted By: FuzzSucker
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 11:47pm
Anyway in response to you question you can get a drive block for your floor machine that will spin the bonnets.  About 80 bucks.

------------- - | - Colorado Springs Carpet Cleaning

Posted By: DeepScrub
Date Posted: 06/March/2008 at 11:58pm


Posted By: pbm
Date Posted: 07/March/2008 at 2:59pm
i started out with one rotary and was making 25,000 a year with it on the side..

The bonnet pro

Posted By: RBD
Date Posted: 10/June/2008 at 12:19pm
I'm in the same boat as you. Are you still using the Powr-Flite 13 inch Rotary Machine? If so, are you using Bonnet or Pad with it?

Posted By: FreshAire
Date Posted: 10/June/2008 at 8:07pm
If you wanna get smart and ignore the splash'n'dash brigadeShocked, you can always buy yourself a new brush (which you should update regularly anyway, they do wear out relatively quickly!), then grab your old brush and cut the bristles down to 2-3mm length. You can then use that as your pad drive, with the bonus that if you're using the Fibretouch pads, you can use the shower feed to great effect as well (assuming you have a tank on your machine; if not, GET ONE!).

That way you'll have a great start-up package for encapping that'll happily see you through until such time as you buy a dedicated encap machine.

Posted By: Ken_Is_OK
Date Posted: 11/June/2008 at 9:13am
Get a loan and get some professional equipment.
Imagine if your local grocery store started out with bread only untill they could afford to also carry milk then maybe some meats a year later.
Or the Beer Store only had Blue and Blue Lite untill they could afford to stock up on Canadian, then Keith's and maybe some day Bud and Coors?
What does your business plan look like? What's the budget for advertising in 2009?

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 30/June/2008 at 1:25pm
First rule of business is
only listen to those who are big successes and the recognized leaders in the business

you are endevouring to make your own when it comes to what it takes for a startup or growing the ongoing enterprise. 

All you will read in here is what WE did or are doing which has absolutely nothing to do with your business model and while some is offered with a sincere effort to help you avoid our mistakes (which is actually something where our efforts, due to some unexamined reason(s), failed to produce the results we hypothesized) none should be taken as gospel - except for the one about putting a penny in a wall socket.  Electrify That one still burns a little.

Unless you can find the heads of the Stanley, ChemDry or Coit companies here which I think is the last thing on their list right below gonad piercingsCursing, I doubt that anyone here (including me) qualifies for the cover of Fortune or Inc magazines. 

But I did do a spread in 'Flabby Farts' where I was recognized as one of the top 100 pervs of 2008 so if that is your interest, I am your man. Pimpin Available on newstands everywhere next to the newest editions of HoverRound Honeys and Depends Divas magazines. A must read for the man who has to 'go' TOOOO Toilet%20Grab often.   Unhappy

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: aqualityassured
Date Posted: 13/December/2008 at 6:51pm
I'm doing just fine with the a 17 inch buffer.  It's the user.

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