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Keep your Guns Men..

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Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
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Topic: Keep your Guns Men..
Posted By: John L
Subject: Keep your Guns Men..
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 1:04am
If you have a minute read this article.. I hope they havent tried to take your guns... They can have mine when they pry it from my dead hands..
This subjects been heating up everywhere since the Korean went trigger happy.  They want all our guns... :"New World Order".. -

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 8:34am
And thats why its happening.. Nobody says or does diddly.. Just go on with your pitiful lives and let them take all your rights..without guns your a slave to the govt.. Sad but true...

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 8:40am

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 8:45am
oh canada...
our home and native land...
true patriot love, may all our son command
with glowing hearts....we see thee rise
the true north strong and free..

oh Canada...OH Canada we stand on gaurd for thee

God save our land
Glorious and free
OH Canada we stand on gaurd for thee
Oh Canada we stand on GAURD FOR THEE!!!!!!!!!1


Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 8:49am
The sweet taste of a Molson
Freezing my ass off 6 months of the Year
having more than 55% of what ever I earn go to Taxes

I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 21/April/2007 at 8:52am -

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 23/April/2007 at 12:45am
If you met a man with no arms and two guns...
...would you consider him armed?

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: cmaster
Date Posted: 23/April/2007 at 12:58am


The STD Meter

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 23/April/2007 at 2:23am

Posted By: cmaster
Date Posted: 23/April/2007 at 8:58am
And not out of your account


The STD Meter

Posted By: scotty
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 5:04am
Why do you need guns?
Do you feel impotent without them ?
The people who own guns ( under licence )in the UK are, generally speaking,immature types, who, head for the hills like little boys, dressed like Fidel Castro, or the unlicenced ones, who are just evil b******s who will kill some innocent animal that's already struggling to survive, due to mans ignorance and greed.

As I'm not an American, I realise this post might get me banned, but getting guns out of your society, might be the start of a truly great American society and gain you world wide respect.

we try harder and it shows

Posted By: Ken Harris
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 5:56am
Scotty: Voicing your opinion on this forum is encouraged. It takes alot more than that here to get banned. I think only 2 people have ever be disruptive enough in 4 years to get banned, and they are both back on this forum again. lol

Inventor of Teflon Carpet Wand Glides.Free Glides for all Cleaners in June!

Posted By: scotty
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 7:43am
Thanks for your comment Ken, I normally avoid politics, but sometimes you have to express an opinion I'm sure being from accross the pond, will cause some to suggest I have no right to comment, but, as the advert says " it's good to talk "

we try harder and it shows

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 9:47am
 Scotty, It's all about freedom.. Are you a gun control advocate? Your leaders are brainwashing all of you and your loosing your freedom.. Do you have lip reading video on the streets now?? Probably.. You can hardly walk your streets without being watched..
To disarm the people [is] the best and most effective way to enslave them."
Gun confiscation leads to a loss of freedom, increased crime, and the government moving to the left. This has already happened in England and Australia. After Great Britain banned most guns in 1997, making armed self-defense punishable as murder, violence skyrocketed because criminals know that law abiding citizens have been disarmed.
The principal purpose of the Second Amendment was to maintain our freedom from government. It is an insult to our heritage to imply that the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment just to protect deer hunters.
Tyrannical governments kill far more people than private criminals.
Don't be ignorant of these readily provable facts..
It's too late for your Country Scotty.. Your freedom is deminishing..

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 12:49pm
Americans like John are kind of entertaining. At first it is hard to believe how stupid they are but then you come across enough of them and you realize they are nothing like us at all.

They really I mean really belive there is a good reason why there are SO MANY hand gun h*m*cide deaths in the USA

AND they really believe that if you took all the guns out of their country that the murder rate would not drop one bit.

fargin idiots...just ignore them and they'll go shoot each other.


Posted By: scotty
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 4:33pm

We've not had guns banned in the UK...........IT'S NEVER BEEN LEGAL for at least a century to own anything, other than air guns, or sporting shotguns.

Our society has become more violent, due to drugs and the stupidity of politicians in opening the door to just about anyone.

It's only taken a few very short years for Yardies from Jamaica to make their presence felt and we are being invaded by East European crooks.


If you felt you had freedom in your society, would you need to own a gun ?????????????

Only crooks feel the need to own guns in our society, even our police are unnarmed.


we try harder and it shows

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 28/April/2007 at 5:00pm
 You see its not really about the crime and murders the criminals do with guns... Thats just the cake the politicians use to spread through mass media.. Its about TOTAL Control, loss of Freedom..Thats the topping..
If you know and understand your History you will know what I'm saying in that first paragraph.. If not then you should study alot more..
Fidel Castro was mentioned above by a juvenile delinquent.. You see thats what he and his henchmen did.. Don't forget Hitler etc... SLowly took all the guns and rifles and lied to the people that its ok... What happen? loss of Freedom >> Communism. Nazism..
We need more men like William Wallace (Braveheart).
Without America this world would be in a world of hurt.!

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 29/April/2007 at 9:12am
John has to be pulling our leg.
John you voted in every level of government and what now you dont trust any of them?

You guys even vote for judges and sherrif and what? you dnt trust them either?

all the people you americans vote in are what? ANTI AMERICAN ANTI FREEDOM?

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 29/April/2007 at 3:19pm

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 29/April/2007 at 5:09pm

LMAO!! Ban me i dont care..... Thats what I'm talking about also.. Take away my freedom to post..!!! take take take... What do you have left.. Nothing!!


Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 29/April/2007 at 6:42pm

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 29/April/2007 at 11:23pm
come to think of it, that government john voted in did fund and train Osama bin Laden didnt they?

Posted By: Ken Harris
Date Posted: 30/April/2007 at 5:07am

Inventor of Teflon Carpet Wand Glides.Free Glides for all Cleaners in June!

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 30/April/2007 at 8:38am
To defeat the enemy you must be like the enemy, know the enemy and do like the enemy...Boxing Thanks nr.. Can i keep my TM, porty and the rest of my equiptment? Big smile

Posted By: Ken Harris
Date Posted: 30/April/2007 at 11:57am
Love the new Canadian Beaver. Very patriotic!

Inventor of Teflon Carpet Wand Glides.Free Glides for all Cleaners in June!

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 30/April/2007 at 12:52pm
When I travel Asia and Europe I wear the Maple Leaf not so much to let people know where I'm from but really to let them know where I'm NOT from -- wink wink -- nuff said.

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