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Do you rake

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
Printed Date: 26/February/2025 at 3:55am
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Topic: Do you rake
Posted By: bryan
Subject: Do you rake
Date Posted: 05/February/2007 at 1:54am
I started off raking most my jobs when I started, but now rake none.  I don't think raking make the carpet look any better or has any thing with setting the pile unless you use an RDM (which sucks btw).  When I have cleaned my house with an RX-20. Then when the carpet dried I would run a vacuum over it.  This would remove any swirl mark or line from a carpet wand.  I noticed with a rake you would get marks that were harder to vacuum out also.  So unless I'm missing some think thinks a waste of time.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 05/February/2007 at 12:08pm
The point you are missing is the rs20 doesnot mean you can skip all other steps.

Just My opinion

Posted By: spruce
Date Posted: 05/February/2007 at 11:18pm

Raking is not a waste of time. 

1. reduce drying time
2. not leaving the customer to vac to make it look good
3. preps it for protectant
4. is softer to walk on after it drys
Do you pre vac or is that a waste of time?

A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 05/February/2007 at 11:37pm
Most of the time unless it's a tile and grout job.

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Posted By: Hammy
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 6:54am
I usually rake in the fall!    

Could somebody just clean my carpets!

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 7:02am

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:26pm
Vacuuming and racking are fundamentals of good tradesmanship. It should become automatic.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:36pm
it would be as soon as I get an automatic machine to do it?

Just My opinion

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:39pm
They're called helpers - cheaper to do it yourself then it gets done right.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:41pm
At one time I had 2 men on the truck many moons ago. Now unless there is some reason for two men to be there I only have one man on a truck?

Just My opinion

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:45pm
I notice most don't run 2 men. I could see that on large commercial or if a person wanted to stay in the bussiness and their back and sholders were causing problems. Who knows I may be there in a few years.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 12:47pm
I have already been there??

Just My opinion

Posted By: bryan
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 8:54pm
I guess I'll correct that, I do rake after I apply Scotch Guard.  As far as drying times I'm sure it is minimal.  I always instruct customers to vacuum after cleaning for three reasons.  Makes carpet softer, removes cleaning patterns, last and most important there is still a percent of dirt that you don't remove that dries to the fiber. If you were to walk on it after it dried the dirt would break off and get worked back in, where the vacuum will pull more out.  I'll also spray an encapsulator  for really dirty carpets after cleaning is done.  Again still haven't herd of any good reasons to rake.

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 9:06pm
Reason to rake is because it evenlydistributes the prespray through the fibre for dwelling.

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Posted By: bryan
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 9:27pm
Ok I understand the benefits of preraking. I'll prescrub with the rx attachment if it is bad.  Talking about the last step.

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 9:28pm
I always understood it the way Spuce said it above.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 10:18pm
I thought the last step was to present the bill?

Just My opinion

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 06/February/2007 at 11:18pm
Yeah and rake in the cash.

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Posted By: Ninja-wand
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 12:43am
Post-Raking the carpet may take out the wand marks...But, it does minimal to help with drying. Test out for yourself.

I'll make you TAP OUT!!!

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 12:47am
Especially if your 1/2 hour late for you're next custy.

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Posted By: spruce
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 1:39am
found this on a web site.
  1. Raking: In the IICRC S001 CARPET CLEANING STANDARD it states, although nap setting or grooming of the carpet has little to do with actual soil removal, it may affect the long-term performance of the carpet.

Un-groomed carpet in entry, pivot and high traffic areas could cause consumers to question the carpet’s performance (matting and crushing), or it might contribute to uneven wear in matted areas.

Grooming is essential for removing rotary swirls or wand marks in carpet. Moreover, grooming is essential for uniform distribution of carpet protectors or other post-cleaning additives when called for during finalizing procedures.

For this reason, grooming is included in the principles of cleaning. Also, it is essential on longer-pile designs, not only for appearance sake but also for proper drying.

Just do it right and stop looking for steps to to get out of.

A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood

Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 1:43am
Right on spruce. Notice the ccers that deliver quality have good businesses. The best way to promote your business is your good work.

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Posted By: bryan
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 1:14pm
[QUOTE=spruce]found this on a web site.
  1. Raking: In the IICRC S001 CARPET CLEANING STANDARD it states, although nap setting or grooming of the carpet has little to do with actual soil removal, it may affect the long-term performance of the carpet.

Ok, so that answers my question.  May affect the long-term performance.  Don't see how raking would have any thing to do with performance any ways.  Has noting to do with drying. If the carpet if vacuumed after would remove any cleaning marks.  So only advantage I'm seeing is for protectors (which I do) as far as a purpose other then cosmetic.  So it would be worth while to use the time to rake and spend more time cleaning, or at the next job.  My point is not being lazy if something makes a difference on the carpet getting cleaner I'll do it, but if it has no effect on getting cleaner carpet is a waste of time.  Like if you spray air freshener after you done.  May smell nice and clean but has no effect on cleaning.

Posted By: Ninja-wand
Date Posted: 07/February/2007 at 4:28pm

Pre-raking is to distribute the Prespray. Post-Raking is mainly for distributing Protectors and take out wand marks. Again, It does minimal or close to nill for increase drying ( I should know, I tested on my own damn carpet). Nuff said! Done! Lets all move on!!


I'll make you TAP OUT!!!

Posted By: robdabear6
Date Posted: 10/April/2007 at 12:35am
the only reason you need, it looks good! customer appreciates it. Get a grandi groom much easier on you and the carpet than harder older groomers. I can groom 2000sqft in 5 min. another thing many many people like the way it looks so nice they want to know where to buy one, and if you have a few to resale... any way you get the point. not to mention the many other earlier mentioned reasons.

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 11/April/2007 at 8:24pm
[QUOTE=spruce]found this on a web site.
  1. Raking: In the IICRC S001 CARPET CLEANING STANDARD it states, although nap setting or grooming of the carpet has little to do with actual soil removal, it may affect the long-term performance of the carpet.

Well if the mills wouldnt make carpets now a days so cheap..


Posted By: robdabear6
Date Posted: 11/April/2007 at 9:51pm
Are you trying to argue with me or agree, because I said "not to mention the many other earlier mentioned reasons.".  That one specifically being mentioned like 10 times. Also the grandi groomer is great for cheap ass carpet because it does not pull at the nap like some of the thicker heavy groomers out there, that are too hard on the fiber.

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