Marketing Tips
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Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
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Topic: Marketing Tips
Posted By: carpetologist
Subject: Marketing Tips
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:47pm
When cold calling instead of saying:
"How are you today?"
"We have never met, The reason I am calling is..."
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:48pm
Everyone says on the phone "Good Morning" or "Good Afternoon"
Instead say
"Thank you for calling Kleen Kuip this is Ted."
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 6:04pm
Sorry Ted 1 out of 2 is not bad.........although most experts would agree with you that saying "( We have never met, the reason I am call is........... ) is a safe way to open a conversation....................BUT...........I differ from those so called in the box experts.....
I live outside of the box of average thinking, and have trained thousands of telemarketers to approach a cold call more inviting and to the point.......
I say..............Good morning Mr. Harding, My name is Jack Prince........and the reason I'm calling you this morning is to SAVE you money on your carpet cleaning....
Notice I didn't say the word COST.........Nobody wants to receive a call knowing that something will Cost them something.............They want to SAVE MONEY not spend it.......
Just my professional spin on marketing, you can take it or leave it.
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:19pm
Instead of saying "Ok, I'll do it."
"I'll take care of it."
Eliminate these words & phrases from your vocabulary:
- To tell you the truth
- To be honest with you
- I mean this
- Trust me
- Believe me
- Really
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:43pm
Ted, I'll be honest with you, and I mean this when I say, "Trust Me " tell you the truth you can believe me when I say.............You're Right
We are all guilty of those little sayings, funny thing is just yesterday talking to the people at the golf course contract......I can remember saying at least 3 perhaps 4 of those quotes
I should have known better, and would not have realized it if you didn't post those sayings.
Man was I dumb, I feel stupid now, I hope they didn't pick up on that................I really have to brush up on my selling skills
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 23/February/2006 at 11:48am
Anytime you call someone on the phone and they cannot come to the phone.
Always say:
"Have him/her call me back, tell him it's good news"
That will always put you at the top of the call-back list.
I called a company yesterday and they answered by saying "It's a great day at ABC Cleaning, Greg speaking".
I was impressed.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 23/February/2006 at 1:41pm
I like it I like it alot
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 23/February/2006 at 10:12pm
When answering the phone try saying"
"How can I make your day?"
You will stun people but they will love it and keep coming back for more.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: thermedix
Date Posted: 24/February/2006 at 1:15pm
When people say "Thats too much" or"Wow thats expensive" your reply could be"Thats exactly why you should buy from me, as you know, you get exactly what you pay for",
(my personal fav.) shocks them,
------------- It`s not how far you`s how high you bounce back up...
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 24/February/2006 at 2:49pm
When people say "That's too much, can you do better?"
Then say "Yes!" We offer a complete four procedure cleaning system.
What or which part of it would you like me to leave out? The grooming, the heavy duty chem, the pre-treatment?
If you choose to leave one or two of these procedures out we can offer you a 20% discount.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 24/February/2006 at 3:13pm
I took my own advice today and answered the phone by saying "How can I make your day?"
Actually had a call back from a secretary at a Honda dealership. She was asked to find a company that would sell them a car detailing cleaning machine. She admitted she called me back because I gave her a chuckle and she said come on down and demo your unit and make our day!
P.S. As a carpet cleaner you could say "How can we make your day a little fresher and cleaner"
Here is another good one - ABC Cleaning "When we clean it, we mean it."
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 1:29am
ACME Carpet Cleaning "You can get is cheap and dirty, but we can make it clean and purdy".
We use "We clean everything but dirt floors". It is stupid and memorable.
Now, don't sue me for PUNative damages
------------- Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 9:15am
Hello............ DuckCountry Carpets Cleaning, give us a Peck and we'll Pluck you good................
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 9:52am
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 4:06pm
Avoid telling the world your problems. When someone simply asks "How are you?"
Translate features into benefits. What that means to you is...
Always verify your understanding of the other persons situation or need. Let me make sure I've got this straight...
Instead of saying "You're Welcome!" use "My Pleasure!"
Do not say do you want me to clean it. It's better to say "What are your thoughts on it?"
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 4:15pm
Carpetologist wrote:
When answering the phone try saying"
Dirty Harry Cleaning Services
"Well! make my day?"
"Do you feel lucky Punk?"
"Well do ya?"
You will scare the hell out of people but they will love it and keep coming back for more. |
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 02/March/2006 at 7:35pm
We charge more for that service
nightrider wrote:
Hello............ DuckCountry Carpets Cleaning, give us a Peck and we'll Pluck you good................
Nightrider |
------------- Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 06/March/2006 at 2:58pm
Instead of "What's you budget?"
Use: Is there a budget that I should be aware of?
Instead of "Are you the decision maker?"
Use: Will you be making a recommendation or giving the final go-ahead?
Instead of "Please bare with us"
Use: We appreciate your patience.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 3:15pm
When dealing with an upset customer ask who?, what?, where?, when? and how?
Never why?
On deliveries...
Don't say it won't be there until Tuesday.
Say: "It will be there as soon as Tuesday"
Instead of "What do you want us to do?"
Say: "What will work best for you?"
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 10:33pm
Marketing is a very funny animal and not everyone can get a handle on it.............when I used to teach the finer arts of telemarketing sales and face to face contact direct sales.........I always taught my own little weapon of choice which was and still is and always will be the best weapon you can pull from your holster..............JUST LISTEN CAREFULLY TO WHAT YOUR CUSTOMER IS SAYING TO YOU...........ALL HIS CONCERNS COME STRAIGHT FROM HIS MOUTH TO YOUR EARS
Simply mimic what he/she says, whatever concerns he/she bring up just address the issue with respect and all these tips will just simply fall into place naturally.
People don't want to hear a play with words.........they want action to their concerns..........Take Action, Address Their Concerns, Be Punctual, Return Their Calls, & Show Up Looking Like A Pro.