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Have you noticed??

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
Printed Date: 21/February/2025 at 8:24pm
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Topic: Have you noticed??
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Subject: Have you noticed??
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 8:18pm

I've noticed this this forum is getting less and less about carpet care everyday.....I don't see anyone sharing ideas....

So I guess we are all on the same page....who really wants to give away trade secrets (except padman)...

I wish everyone on the forum would post on this....I wish I could get (1) trade secret from everyone on the forum....

10 people making chicken soup...and they all taste different.

I like to be real rough on the pre-inspection...I point out everything...and I give the option to clean or not to clean.......

what do you do???

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:13pm
Under promise over deliver. Point our each spot and tell them whether or not it will come out, then try to get EVERYONE out.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:13pm
Ya because you don't know how to take out most stains bigshot.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:19pm
put me to the test...I never said I could get stains all depends on what I'm charging....I like your little pot shots.....but you need to step up to the plate son 

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:25pm

Red wine on wool rug.

Easy to any of our techs.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:42pm
well how long has it been there....what type of wool...tread count...details details

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:49pm

Been there for 2 years and has been cleaned once already.

Thick Indian white wool 45kpsi.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:51pm

English wool,  Two months old.

Has already been worked on by the householder with Tide.

Go get the Stain out Mr. Steamer.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:52pm
In a sunny room or not???.....on the traffic lane???and has the customer already tried to clean it??? factors also depends on how wet the rug got when the wine was spilt, the area could be damaged.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:56pm

Way to avoid the question, you could come back all night with all different kinds of details.

Quit stalling and start thinking 

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 10:59pm
well what ever I say...he'll just say wrong...I'd just use soda all these factor do come into is harder to take out if it's in the sun...or being walked on.

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 11:02pm

Time to learn.

ROUTINE STUFF for some of us.

How about ink from a ballpoint chewed by the dog and then wiped with a damp cloth by the customer on the same rug???

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 11:05pm

Bravo young man. You can't ask for more of an honest answer then that.

He will come back with his high tech jargon and you may not like it, but read beneath the lines. I promise you will learn something new and is this not why you posted this subject.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 11:05pm
I'd use pog...but thats my opinion

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 11:27pm

To start with you always wipe the ink with a cloth with a lot of  rubbing alcohol  on it and then rinse with a non residual emulsifier in the extractor.. Keep the cloth and rubbing alcohol going usually takes about twenty swipes to get it. Now you'll have some stain left over. I like to try again with cheap hairspray because it has both solvent and alcohol in it, however if not try a bit of pog, but remember the pog has to be rinsed with a volatile solvent.

Now spray an acidic textile rinse over the  remaining stain and spray Vanish or Stain Magic or Helpmate on the spot AND SPRAY THE SAME  textile rinse again. Repeat as necessary. You may have to leave the stain remover sit on the stain for several hours. Its best to place some saran wrap over the spot so that the stain remover doesn't evaporate and to ensure it keeps on working. ALWAYS be sure to neutralize the stain remover with a strong  acidic textile rinse at 3x stronger its regular dilution other wise the wool will go orange.

Too much will make the ink spread.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 11:42pm

wow I learned something...I'm gonna run out and start taking out ink spots on all four calls that I have.....and I can say I learned it right here on the kleenkuip forum.

Posted By: PadMan
Date Posted: 27/March/2004 at 12:02pm

LilNightRider is setting himself up as the stain GURU? LOL


Give us some difficult stains would ya?

I have learned over the years, that HE with all the answers, usually knows very little plus MOST of the time has a poopy little business.


Customers know BULLsh*t as well as other cleaners.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 27/March/2004 at 12:58pm

C'mon John be fair.

You know and I know that these stains are fairly routine.

That is why I brought it up, because many here don't know how to take them out. I am not and won't ever be a guru of anything.

Just trying to make a couple of people here open their eyes for a minute.


Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 27/March/2004 at 5:40pm

Yes open your eyes...people don't pay to get why should I waste my time...

Yes Lilhood you are trying to be a guru, all the alkaloid acid crap.....anyone can clean carpet don't try to make it more difficult than what it is....

Those chemicals that you are using are killing you, simple soap and water thats all you need...

This business is cleaning...I take courses.......who knows more..??the person that does it..... or the person who reads about it


Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 27/March/2004 at 8:15pm
Yes, Grasshopper!!

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: jackblack
Date Posted: 27/March/2004 at 8:45pm
those who can't do, TEACH!

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 28/March/2004 at 12:50am

Originally posted by jackblack jackblack wrote:

those who can't do, TEACH!

Thats Damn straight JB

Posted By: guesswhat60
Date Posted: 15/April/2004 at 5:02pm
How come when one guy avoids the answer he is bashed and when someone else answers a question with a detailed answer he is bashed.  If he answers the question with an answer with supporting details he must not clean he probably teaches.  Is it at all possible that there are carpet cleaners out there who know what they are doing and can explain why

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 15/April/2004 at 5:11pm

Why they are carpet cleaners.  Or what they are doing.  That is a hard one.  That is also a 2 part question which is not allowed becaues you get twice the bashing.  This is just my opinion. I think, or did I think?  Damm Hide can't remember a thing.

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