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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Carpet Cleaners Hangout
Forum Description: General discussion on anything related to carpet cleaning
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Posted By: N...1
Date Posted: 01/July/2005 at 8:17pm

Oh one more thing


Does the Queen still own your country




Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 01/July/2005 at 8:59pm

She might, but our government camouflaged it by giving us a new flag, on the other hand it's a know fact that the Bin Laden family does own the United States among other know terrorist and dictators throughout the world, and Bush doesn't even take the time or effort to camouflage the effects of the truth......WHY.......'cause the American people eat and digest all kinds of crap that is handed out to them on a plate of lies and deception, and candy coat it with the singing of The Star Spangled Banner as top officials hold secret meetings with terrosist insurgents, and fly the Bin Laden family out of the States hours after 911.

Hope that answers your question about the Queen.


Posted By: N...1
Date Posted: 01/July/2005 at 11:03pm

your parole officer is calling




Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 03/July/2005 at 7:11am
I think you answered that question very well Jack.

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 03/July/2005 at 6:47pm

I feel bad when I am forced to belittle the dull and ignorant, but sometimes lifetime fools like N-1 need a little encouragement to better educate themselves to fit into our society. Even mentally challenged ( retarded ) peole like N-1 deserve some attention, unfortunately the only attention he gets is negitive.


Posted By: Banana Anna
Date Posted: 03/July/2005 at 7:28pm
Good one  NR

Show me your banana, and I'll show you where to stick it

Posted By: N...1
Date Posted: 03/July/2005 at 11:15pm

having problems with the RCMP



Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 03/July/2005 at 11:25pm
Nightrider you are a fooken a--hole.
Waldo The Golden Wand 

I Give My Customers What They Want: Clean and Dry Carpets

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 3:39am

Waldo the Moron has joined the site to amuze us with his creative spelling . What's up Waldo, your wife threw you out of bed. so you come to Kleenkuip for comfort and to blow off a little frustration



Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 9:46am

I quit making insults about you stupid Kanadians.  Then you make your stupid Bin Laden post.  You probably enjoyed what Bin Laden did to our country.   You took your post too far.  Are you one of the Kanadians on Bin Laden's payroll?


Waldo The Golden Wand 

I Give My Customers What They Want: Clean and Dry Carpets

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 10:35am

The truth is the truth, the States harbour the Bin Laden family not Canada. The Bin Laden family is Bush's friend and you welcome their money in your banks. Waldo , you are the stupid one who lives your life with blinders on.

The Bush-Bin Laden Money Connection


"Former President George Bush met with King Fahd, right, on a trip to Saudi Arabia last year as part of his work for the Carlyle Group." (NYT, 3/5/01)


Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 12:15pm

Another stupid post Jackie.   We protect you pussies.  Do you house terrorists in your home?  Probably.  From your above posts Bin Laden has probably funded some of the money you have in your account. 


Waldo The Golden Wand

PS-I do not see Bin Laden in the above pic.  You are such an idiot.

I Give My Customers What They Want: Clean and Dry Carpets

Posted By: Superglide Ken
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 3:15pm
Waldo; are you really that dumb? The Bush's involvement with the Bin Ladens goes back decades, including having them over to the Bushes ranch. Only you and a few million more Americans don't seem to see it.

See no evil,

Hear no evil,

Inventor of the Teflon Wand Glide and the Turboteck Rotary Air Duct Cleaners for TMs.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 4:14pm

Bush Senior is Bin Laddens father...

almost like star wars isn't it


Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 4:39pm

Waldo, I have no time to educate you or any other American on to what is going on in your country right now or in the past.

Just last week your President Bush stood in front of the world and said the  shattered family lives of those 1,700 dead American soldiers " WERE WORTH IT "

Oh, say, Can you see, by the dawns early light

Sing Waldo, sing out loud for those dead soldiers, do you feel better now while Bush makes Billions of dollars with his company rebuilding all he has ruined.

Sing out loud for the rising price of oil while Bush puts more Billions of dollars in his bank accounts.

Sing for the poverty, in your country.

Sing for the unemployed in your country

Sing for the high crime in your country

Sing out loud for the black man who is kept repressed and uneducated for fear that he too one day become an equal and make a decent living for his family, and walk the streets proud without fear or racism.

Are you sure Americia is protecting Canada, from what...........all those goodies I just mentioned. Americia should clean out their own back yard.

Canada is a GREAT country where we live in peace.


Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 4:47pm

Billions of dollars we have to spend to protect you pussies.


Waldo The Golden Wand

I Give My Customers What They Want: Clean and Dry Carpets

Posted By: N....1
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 4:47pm
You got that right Nightrider, we should help our own people instead


Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 5:37pm

Hey Waldo, The American intellegence brag how they can pick any street or area in the world and pin point a quarter and tell you if it's heads or tails, and it truely is a fact, from space this is possible.

Now........I ask you ...........with all this advanced technology do you really think they don't know where Osama Bin Laden is.

Plus the fact he is suffering from kidney disease, and has to be hooked up to a machine every so often.

Plus the fact that he's about 6'6 with a 2 foot long beard, slightly bigger than a quarter don't you think.

If your child was a terrorist and you had Bush as a friend wouldn't you say don't hurt my son or else oil will be 1,000 dollars a barrel.

Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 6:02pm

Democracy something will give you pussies everyday.  


Waldo The Golden Wand

I Give My Customers What They Want: Clean and Dry Carpets

Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 6:06pm

Funny thing about dumb, uneducated, and foolish people, is that they never really have anything constructive to say, they just keep using the word pu**y alot.

What's the matter Waldo, your wife not giving you any, maybe she's with a real man while you're at work


Posted By: Waldo.
Date Posted: 04/July/2005 at 10:31pm
My wife left me, my dog ran away, and I have no crops in the field

Waldo The Golden Wand

I Give My Customers What They Want : Clean and dry carpets

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