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Forum LockedMessage Board Rules and Guidelines

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Joined: 01/October/2003
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    Posted: 15/March/2004 at 6:50pm

This forum was created to be a place to learn, exchange ideas, seek advice, solicit opinions and ask for assistance.

Here are your Forum Guidelines�Please follow them accordingly.

Posting (Replying)

If you choose to disagree with someone else�s opinion or comments, you may do so. But we ask that you be courteous in your disagreement, and that you conduct yourself in a professional manner.

No Flaming

(flaming: to make statements of a personal nature to deliberately provoke or incite others into confrontations)
No aggressive, personal attacks on someone just because of a disagreement with their point of view will be tolerated. Flaming is a cheap shot, the easy way out, and an immature & unintelligent way of "getting back" at another poster by simply being mean-spirited. It is used in lieu of intelligent, logical discourse because the flamer is incapable of intelligence and logic, so they fall back on a personal attack. Again, it will not be tolerated in the Kleen Kuip forums.

No Profanity

No profanity in the Kleen Kuip forums, please. Not everyone wants to read foul or off-color language, and those who do not should not have to be subjected to it. Also, please do not post links to pornography or other adults-only content.

No Cross Posting

Please do not start more than one topic (in the same OR different forums) with the same question or message. Even if your topic's subject spans multiple forums' "themes", please pick the most appropriate single forum, and start your topic there ONLY. Starting multiple topics with the same question or message is confusing, splits up the discussion / answers and makes the moderators' jobs much harder. Please resist all temptation to cross post. Besides, the Moderators will lock duplicate threads as soon as they see them anyway.

Post in the Appropriate Forum

If you are starting a new topic, please give some thought to which forum your topic logically belongs before posting. This will ensure a �quicker� response to your question.

Descriptive Topic Subject

When starting a new topic, please give a little thought to coming up with a meaningful and descriptive subject, especially if you are looking for help or an answer to a question. With a descriptive topic subject, you will increase the likelihood that interested parties will open your topic. And, in the case of a question, you will more likely get a timely, knowledgeable answer.

Staying On Topic

We like to have fun in the Kleen Kuip forums, but not at the expense of getting people's questions answered. So, staying on topic is somewhat relative - as long as the original poster's question is answered in a timely fashion, some straying off topic will be tolerated. But it will always be discouraged if it comes at the expense of helping each other and getting questions answered and problems solved.

Search the Forums

The third thing we ask you to do before posting a question or problem is to please use the search feature in the forums to see if your question has been answered or your problem has been solved before. Again, this helps the Administrators and Moderators a great deal. Since they all strive to insure that no one's question in the forums goes unanswered, answering you own question if possible will save them time (and typing!). So doing a little work up front to try and answer your question yourself is a huge help and is much appreciated.

Any users found linking to sites that are not related to the carpet cleaning industry will have their account suspended.

There will be no posting links for financial gain.

Share the Wealth!

If you have been helped by another forum member, share the wealth by reaching out and answering someone else's questions when you can! That's what the Kleen Kuip forums are for - helping each other out.

Do not post equipment or products for sale. Posts containing links to websites that data mine are also not allowed.

This forum does not allow postings regarding the sale of products/items/equipment for promotional purposes or financial gain. Posts will be deleted.

Your cooperation and adherence to these guidelines and suggestions is greatly appreciated. Doing so will insure that the Kleen Kuip forums continue to be the best place on the Internet for carpet cleaning information, sharing and problem solving.

See you in the forums! And happy posting!

Note To Spammers: We do not allow unsolicited advertising! Spam is reported & deleted, so don't waste your time (or ours)!

Those found to be in violation of these guidelines will be removed and banned from the board.

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