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Forming a Seller's Club

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duckcountry View Drop Down
Master Carpet Cleaner
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    Posted: 23/September/2008 at 4:44am
Thinking about starting a business club in my area.  No fees, no due.  Just an agreement that we will each offer the customers, employees and owners  a discount for services provide that is equal to the discount being offered by the referring member by our firm.


ABC Dentistry is approached by Duck Country Carpet Cleaning with a proposition that ABC can set the discount rate it wants Duck to offer his/her company, staff and patients.  Let us say that percentage is 25%

Duck Country Carpet Cleaning (almost typed CleanKing - cool name) agrees, gives ABC a corporate account number and gains an agreement that ABC will reciprocate by agreeing to giving Duck, his clients and employees a 25% discount when they give Ducks own corporate account number.  But it doesn't end there.

Each firm added by either ABC or Duck enjoys the same relationship that ABC and Duck agreed to.  It grows hopefully, each firm signing on to ask for/give some agreed upon discount.  While this sounds like there is much being given away the secret is in pricing things right.

Here is the first draft of a postcard that will be sent out to local businesses to test for interest.  I am open to opinions, ideas, suggestions.  I'm not a marketing genius, I just play at it.  Yeah, I took marketing in college, but failures and pushing through them have been my best teachers.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?
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