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40K to start up. Help me out please

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besttruckmount View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote besttruckmount Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08/June/2010 at 2:52pm
  if you want a truck mount for about $30000 with blower #5 or #6  call this guy at 905 9818381 wow he builds truck mount for people customs work and is has no heat exchangers but has lot of heat all the time at 110 deg ask for lenny
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shaoqingan View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote shaoqingan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13/June/2010 at 10:14am
I think van can not be too small, but need not be a brand new, second hand will be much cheaper. For the machine, the bigger power means more fuel. It is good to buy the machine that is just enough for your job. If you can handle all the job by yourself, you do not need 3 wand machine. If most of your jobs are residential, and they are within 250ft distance, you do not need to buy a bigger machine. But the after-sale service is very important. Do not buy used TM if you are not professional.
Good luck
Andy from www.havehouse.com Dallas Havehouse Carpet Cleaning
Dallas HaveHouse Carpet Cleaning
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Atlantis View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atlantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31/July/2010 at 1:42pm
I know this is my an old post but I thought I would put my 2 cents in. $40,000 for one van is WAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH TO SPEND.

Those "big" truck mounts, are a complete and total waste of money. Unless you are running two wands or over 250 ft. of hose then I would advise completely against them. I've used a Prochem Aphex, Panther 25, Dynachems top model w/ propane tank, and I now own a Panther 18. Let me tell you. They are ALL the same. The only difference is the packaging. They use the same type of blower, same engine, same water pump. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Do yourself a favor. If you are looking for a brand new truck mount (which I would suggest because you don't want to break down on a job), get yourself a Panther 18. It's right at that sweet spot between too much power and not enough. My old 25 cleaned about the same as the Panther 18. The Panther is about $8900 on Ebay directly from Chemtex w/ $400 shipping.

For the van, look on Craigslist and get yourself either a nice box van for about $5000-$8,000 or a nice cargo van from anywhere from $2,000-$5,000.

I bought a 94 Ford E-150 in fairly good looking condition and in excellent working condition for $1600. So far, I've had it for two years and the only thing I've had to do was get it inspected and recharge freon. I "could" get a $500 paint job if I wanted, give it a newer look, but honestly, customers don't care what you drive, they care about how you clean. Back in the day when I worked for a scam company called Kiwi, I use to drive a Mitsubishi Mighty Max with a buffer in the back and made money!!

Alternately you can get a QUALITY used machine/van for anywhere from $7000- $15,000.

And like Any said, the maintenance is what's most important. I can tell you from experience, the Panther units are EXTREMELY easy to work on. If you can install a door in your house, or change your own auto oil, then you can work on a Panther.

The Panther 18 steams about 2.5 ft. when I clean. A CLOUD of steam!
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John L View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote John L Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01/August/2010 at 1:49am
Do you have a video of this cloud? Clap
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Atlantis View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atlantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05/August/2010 at 10:27am
No. But I'll be happy to post one sometime next week :). I'm working by myself right now but I need to clean my own carpets as soon as my girlfriend comes back from out of town. So I'll have her take some video when I do!! That's a great idea by the way Cool Might put it up on my website!
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kingjoelking View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote kingjoelking Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06/August/2010 at 1:54pm
I would not go with the Titan. IMHO. I would look for a simpler machine. 
I have a Panther 25 and yes it puts out silly amounts of heat.  Very simple machine. Some of the layout is not so well thought out. But it is manageable. 
Duane Oxley makes some very nice machines that are very simple and well thought out and can frankly be worked on by yourself if you are even remotely mechanical. And put out amazing heat. 

But if I had $40k to start all over again and especially since your primary target is going to be commercial work. 

I would have started off with a Cimex. For $3k an Orbot For $2500   a Multi Sprayer for $500,  Either Releasit chemicals. $500 (enough for a 100,000 sf or so of carpet cleaning.  Some Gladiator pads at $15 each. so probably 20 or so $300. 

 Then a simple extractor with either Propane or Diesel heater. (i would not get a unit with a heat Exchanger again) possible units, Masterblend El Diablo, Accelerated or  Truckmount Systems  Dominator.  Those two units have some serious heat and they can be upgraded with a much bigger solution Pump to possible power spray with.  Both of those Units run around $15-$17K.    

You would only need the Cimex and Orbot (Even a Brute instead of and Orbot would be a good idea also) on 90% of your commercial carpet cleaning. Much faster work and really Superior results.   

That would leave you with Quite a bit of money for marketing.  
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